
Consultations on Operations and Settlement

This page lists all Consultations relating to Operations and Settlement. The consultations allow the team to gather feedback from the industry about proposed changes so that any concerns are considered as part of our processes.

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View Credit Assessment Price (CAP) consultation: 10 February 2020

Credit Assessment Price (CAP) consultation: 10 February 2020

This consultation seeks respondents’ views on decreasing the CAP £36/MWh from the last notified value of £41/MWh. 


No responses were in disagreement with the new suggested CAP value. As such, no Credit Committee meeting was held and the proposed CAP value was implemented on the date stated in the consultation.

View Consultation for Allocation of a New Grid Supply Point (GSP) to a GSP Group – 23 January 2020

Consultation for Allocation of a New Grid Supply Point (GSP) to a GSP Group – 23 January 2020

The Tongland 132kV substation currently feeds the _N GSP Group via two circuits with 132/11kV transformers, which form the existing GSP, GSP_TONG. The existing GSP is at the 11kV substation.

Scottish Power Energy Network (SPEN) is connecting two new circuits into the Tongland 132kV substation. The two new circuits will be connected via 132/33kV transformers to a 33kV substation.  The new circuits at the 33kV substation will be registered as a new GSP, to be known as Tongland_1, GSP_TONG1.

The National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) propose that GSP_TONG1 is allocated to the South of Scotland (_N) GSP Group.

View Credit Assessment Price (CAP Review) process consultation: 13 January 2020

Credit Assessment Price (CAP Review) process consultation: 13 January 2020

The Credit Assessment Price (CAP) is used in the Energy Indebtedness calculations to convert Credit Cover into an energy value. We are consulting on a decrease of the CAP to £41/MWh from the last notified value of £47/MWh. A change to CAP can impact the amount of Credit Cover required by a Trading Party.

If all respondents and Credit Committee members are in agreement, the proposed value will be implemented on Wednesday 12 February 2020 and the trigger level will remain the same.

If at least one respondent or Credit Committee member requests it or disagrees with the proposed value, Elexon will arrange a Credit Committee meeting. The Credit Committee will determine if a change needs to be made to the value of the CAP, the trigger level and when any new value should be implemented.


No responses were in disagreement with the new suggested CAP value. As such, no Credit Committee meeting was held and the proposed CAP value was implemented on the date stated in the consultation.

View Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review consultation: 16 December 2019

Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review consultation: 16 December 2019

This consultation seeks respondents’ views on decreasing the CAP to £47/MWh from the last notified value of £54/MWh.

This change can affect the level of Credit Cover that you are required to lodge, so we encourage you to respond to the consultation.

If at least one respondent or Credit Committee member requests it, Elexon will arrange a Credit Committee meeting after the consultation closes to determine the new CAP value.


No responses were in disagreement with the new suggested CAP value. As such, no Credit Committee meeting was held and the proposed CAP value was implemented on the date stated in the consultation.

View Consultation for Allocation of a New Grid Supply Point (GSP) to a GSP Group – 30 October 2019

Consultation for Allocation of a New Grid Supply Point (GSP) to a GSP Group – 30 October 2019

Elexon has received a new GSP registration application from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator.  UK Power Networks are connecting two new circuits into the Richborough 132kV substation. 

View Consultation on the Market Index Definition Statement Review 2019

Consultation on the Market Index Definition Statement Review 2019

The Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) defines the use of Market Index Data to calculate the Market Index Price (MIP), a price reflective of wholesale electricity for a Settlement Period in the short term market. An annual review of this document is required by the BSC, to ensure that the MIP is providing a reasonable reflection of the price of wholesale electricity in the short term market.

Changes were made to the MIDS as part of BSC Modification P377 ‘Amending Gate Closure references in Market Index Data’, which was implemented on 18 April 2019.

Our yearly analysis suggests that there are no further changes to the MIDS required at this time, with the current Individual Liquidity Threshold (ILT), timeband weightings and product weightings remaining suitable.


Please respond using the consultation response proforma and send your responses, entitled ‘MIDS Review 2019 Consultation’, to [email protected] by Thursday 10 October 2019.

Responses to this consultation will be considered by the Imbalance Settlement Group at its meeting on 22 October 2019, where a final recommendation will be made to the BSC Panel for approval.

View Credit Assessment Price (CAP) consultation: 9 September 2019

Credit Assessment Price (CAP) consultation: 9 September 2019

This consultation seeks respondents’ views on increasing the CAP £54/MWh from the last notified value of £43/MWh.


No responses were in disagreement with the new suggested CAP value. As such, no Credit Committee meeting was held and the proposed CAP value was implemented on the date stated in the consultation.

View P350 draft reference network mapping statement for Reference Year 2018-19

P350 draft reference network mapping statement for Reference Year 2018-19

We issued a consultation on the draft reference network mapping statement for Modification P350 ‘Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme’ to each Party. The network mapping statement is used for determining Nodal power flows in the calculation of Transmission Loss Factors. 


Please respond using the consultation response form and send your responses, entitled  ‘P350 Draft Reference Network Mapping Statement’, to [email protected]  by 17.00 on Friday 13 September 2019.

View Changes to the CAP Review Process: 12 August 2019

Changes to the CAP Review Process: 12 August 2019

We invite Trading Parties to indicate whether they agree with the proposal to set new CAP values based on the estimated reference price on the implementation date of the new CAP. We also invite Parties to indicate if they agree the trigger level (the value from which if the reference price deviates by, then a review of the CAP is triggered) should be automatically set. These proposed changes will allow for a more efficient process whilst maintaining the necessary levels of control.


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