Issue 104 Extending RTS Cost Recovery Arrangements

Formal title: Extending RTS Cost Recovery Arrangements Under the BSC

The contract between Elexon and the Energy Networks Association (ENA) to pass the operational costs for the Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) through the BSC as ‘BSC Costs’ is due to expire on 31 March 2023. The BSC pass-through operational costs are expected to rise from c.£1.5m to c.£5m. Therefore, Elexon wishes to re-establish industry support for passing RTS costs through the BSC from April 2023 onwards, and confirm how the costs should be apportioned (for example Suppliers/Generators). It’s worth mentioning that since the BSC acts as a pass-through intermediary, Elexon has no control over the RTS cost, which is set through an ENA/BBC contract.

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