
The list of people includes Elexon staff as well as external representatives who are involved in committees, industry groups or other BSC activities.

(Showing items 141-150 of 210)

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View Nazifa Begum

Nazifa Begum

Product Analyst at Elexon
Enquiries via Elexon Support

View Nicholas Rubin

Nicholas RubinRead More

Market Design Advisor at Elexon
Enquiries via Elexon Support

Nick is currently away from Elexon on secondment but will be returning in due course. Please contact the Communications Team in his absence.

View Nick Baker

Nick BakerRead More

Business Analyst in the Change Practices team at Elexon
020 7380 4337
[email protected]

I work as a Business Analyst in our Change Practices team at Elexon.

View Nick Brown

Nick BrownRead More

Company Secretary and Legal Advisor at Elexon
020 7380 4031
[email protected]

As Company Secretary, I am responsible for advising the chairperson on legal and corporate governance compliance, Board and Board Committee matters and Companies House returns.

View Nicola Dew

Nicola Dew

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

View Nik Wills

Nik Wills

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

View Nkem Afodume

Nkem AfodumeRead More

Operational Support Manager team leader at Elexon
0207 380 4291
[email protected]

Nkem is currently away from Elexon but will be returning in due course. Please contact Raeece Ibrahim in her absence.

View Ola Dawodu

Ola Dawodu

Product Owner at Elexon
[email protected]

View Oliver Meggitt

Oliver MeggittRead More

Head of Governance Services at Elexon
020 7380 4143
[email protected]

My role as Head of Governance Services is to oversee the governance of Elexon’s Panel and Panel Sub-committees. I am the BSC Panel Secretary, Chair of the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) and the Facilitator for the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG). I lead the CMAG Change and the BSC Administration teams.

View Patricia Parker

Patricia Parker

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

Patricia Parker is a DWG Alternate member.

Committee membership:


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