
The list of people includes Elexon staff as well as external representatives who are involved in committees, industry groups or other BSC activities.

(Showing items 111-120 of 210)

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View Karthika Sridharan

Karthika Sridharan

Business Designer at Elexon
[email protected]

View Keith Tovee

Keith Tovee

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

Keith’s Career history

View Kenny Henderson

Kenny Henderson

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

View Kevin Walker

Kevin Walker

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

View Laura Dawson

Laura Dawson

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

Committee membership:

View Lawrence Jones

Lawrence JonesRead More

Head of Rules Management at Elexon
020 7380 4118
[email protected]

My role as Head of Rules Management is to oversee the Change team, the Committees and the Document Management processes. Rules Management is accountable for maintenance of the BSC through governance (via committees and panels) and leading the BSC change process. 

View Leanne Yates

Leanne Yates

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

Leanne’s Career history

View Lee Stone

Lee Stone

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

View Liam Pitts

Liam Pitts

BSC Committee or Group Member
Enquiries via Elexon Support

View Lisa Waters

Lisa WatersRead More

BSC Committee or Group Member
[email protected]

Lisa Waters is an Industry Panel Member on the BSC Panel, a member of the Trading Disputes Committee (TDC) and the Credit Committee. She also regularly attends Modification groups.


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