Oliver Meggitt

My role as Head of Governance Services is to oversee the governance of Elexon’s Panel and Panel Sub-committees. I am the BSC Panel Secretary, Chair of the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) and the Facilitator for the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG). I lead the CMAG Change and the BSC Administration teams.

Role at Elexon

My role as Head of Governance Services involves acting as the BSC Panel Secretary, Chair of the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) and chairing the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG).

CMAG which plays a role in developing, analysing, prioritising and making recommendations to Ofgem for changes to the Capacity Market (CM) Rules. The CMAG comprises of impartial expert Capacity Market participant members as well as other key stakeholders such as consumer groups.

Experience at Elexon

I joined Elexon in January 2010, working in the Monitoring and Disputes team. I was involved in the production and analysis of performance reports for the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) and also provided reports to our customers.

I then became involved with Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) and focused on the implementation of the new PARMS Serials in the summer of 2011. This meant I worked closely with the PAB and our customers in delivering training on the new Serials, answer queries and providing support and also to the Operational Support Manager (OSMs) prior and during the initial go live period.

I have continued to support our customers by providing additional data and information to help them understand their reports, working with our developers to ensure the reports we produce meet the needs of our customers.

I was Head Of Assurance which includes managing the process that  monitors the compliance of all BSC parties and to run the Performance Assurance activities. 


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