List of homepage news articles

This page lists all of the news articles we have produced over the last year. Any news articles older than 1 year are removed from the website as they will have concluded their designated lifecycle. Please contact us if you are looking for specific information on any subjects we have covered.

(Showing items 11-15 of 374)

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View Increased functionality added to Digital Code site

Increased functionality added to Digital Code site

Elexon is always working towards improvements to the customer experience of our services and the Digital Code is a key part of what customers can access. We have been working on new functionality which we think will really help our customers when they are using this site. 

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View Legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service to be switched off today

Legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service to be switched off today

Elexon will switch off the legacy Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) on 31 May (2024) at 11:59pm, as we have replaced it with the Insights Solution, our new wholesale market data platform.

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View Consultation: increasing CAP to £78 from 18 June 2024

Consultation: increasing CAP to £78 from 18 June 2024

This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £78 from 18 June 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 31 May 2024.

View Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation

Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation

This consultation aimed to provide the BSC Panel with further information to enable it to recommend a revised Implementation Date to the Authority. The Authority directed the Panel to consult on a revised proposed Implementation Date for P466, as the current Implementation Date is no longer appropriate.

We reported to Ofgem that the current P466 Implementation Date was no longer appropriate, as it significantly increased the risk of delivering P415 Facilitating access to wholesale markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties and Helix, our Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) delivery programme. This is because P415 and Helix require, amongst others, changes to the FAA system. We are modernising the FAA system as part of our Kinnect programme and for reasons of efficiency and cost, will implement P466, P415 and Helix onto the new FAA system. To manage the risk, we plan to implement the new FAA system and P466 at the same time and then subsequently implement the P415 and Helix changes. This is not possible under the current P466 implementation approach.

View Consultation: increasing CAP to £70 from 31 May 2024

Consultation: increasing CAP to £70 from 31 May 2024

This page gives details of a consultation on increasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £70 from 31 May 2024. This two-day consultation will close at 17:00 on 15 May 2024.


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