List of homepage news articles

This page lists all of the news articles we have produced over the last year. Any news articles older than 1 year are removed from the website as they will have concluded their designated lifecycle. Please contact us if you are looking for specific information on any subjects we have covered.

(Showing items 1-5 of 374)

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View Elexon implements Modification P467 to help NGESO with security of supply

Elexon implements Modification P467 to help NGESO with security of supply

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View P471 Report Phase Consultation relating to the procurement of BSC Agents

P471 Report Phase Consultation relating to the procurement of BSC Agents

P471 seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents, to allow the option of having these systems operated by the service provider who developed them (at least for the duration of the transition period), while the currently-appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes.

Elexon have re-issued this P471 Report Phase Consultation, following feedback from a P471 webinar held on 27 June 2024. P471 now includes some alternative legal text. We have included two additional consultation questions as a result.

The alternative legal text has amended Section E2.7.1, E2.7.3 and a new paragraph E 2.7.1A has been included, which focuses on what the Appointment Approach Statement should include. It now requires a brief description, where an appointment, rather than a procurement of a BSC Agent is proposed to require:

  • Rationale for the approach;

  • Considerations of commercial and other advantages, including value for money assessments, where practical and proportionate; and

  • The duration and overall amounts involved in such arrangements


View P469 Assessment Procedure Consultation on Credit Default ECVNs Refusal and Rejection Periods

P469 Assessment Procedure Consultation on Credit Default ECVNs Refusal and Rejection Periods

P469 seeks to delay the start of the Credit Default Refusal Period and Credit Default Rejection Period for Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs) where acceptance of said ECVNs and MVRNs would increase a BSC Party’s Energy Indebtedness.

This Assessment Procedure Consultation was issued on 14 June 2024 and will close at 5 pm on Friday 28 June 2024.

View Webinar on P471 and P472 introducing amendment to BSC Section E impacting BSC Agents

Webinar on P471 and P472 introducing amendment to BSC Section E impacting BSC Agents

Elexon will hold a webinar on Thursday 27 June to discuss P471: Amendment to BSC Section E to allow more flexibility in procurement of BSC Agents, and P472: Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E.

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View P473 Correcting inconsistencies in the P415 Legal Text

P473 Correcting inconsistencies in the P415 Legal Text

Modification P415 ‘Facilitating access to Wholesale Markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties’ seeks to allow independent aggregators to sell customers’ flexibility into Wholesale Markets. Independent aggregators wishing to do this will be required to accede to the BSC in the new role of Virtual Trading Party (VTP). Ofgem has approved this Modification for implementation on 7 November 2024 as part of the standard November 2024 BSC release.

Elexon has received industry feedback on the Legal Text post Ofgem approval on 6 October 2023, as well as internal feedback during work with service providers to design the system changes required to implement Modification P415, and this has revealed that the P415 Legal Text does not correctly describe the intended solution for P415 as well as some inconsistencies and omissions.


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