
P421 Align BSC with Grid Code for TERRE Market Suspension

Formal title: Align the BSC with Grid Code Modification GC0144 for TERRE Market Suspension

This Modification aligns the BSC with the provisions introduced into the Grid Code under GC0144 ‘Alignment of Market Suspension Rights to the EU Emergency and Restoration Code Article 35.1(b)’.

The solution provided by P421 changes the TERRE Market Suspension provisions (BSC Section Q5A) to expressly provide for the circumstances in Grid Code BC4.10 b) and c). The solution also updates the notification processes and obligations of the NETSO and BSCCo so that they are aligned in the BSC and the Grid Code in respect of the suspension scenarios detailed in BC4.10 (b) and (c).


Current Status

Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


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