
P408 Simplifying the Output Usable Data Process

P408 is being raised as a consequential BSC Modification to Grid Code Modification GC0130.

The Modification aims to deliver:

  • Continued alignment of the Grid Code and BSC processes; and
  • Improved market transparency and efficiency through provision of additional Output Usable, Margin and Surplus data in the two to three year ahead timescale.

Formal title: Simplifying the Output Usable Data Process as a consequence of GC0130

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


Grid Code (GC) Modification GC0130 seeks to simplify the process for Generators to submit outage information to National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO), and to reduce duplication in the data submission process.  This data is used by NGESO to calculate National Output Usable, as well as Margin and Surplus data which is published on the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) as required by Section Q of the Balancing and Settlements Code (BSC)


P408 was implemented on 18 March 2021.

Ofgem approved the second Panel request to extend the P408 Implementation Date from 2 February 2021 to 18 March 2021 on 29 January 2021.

NGESO requested a second extension to the P408 Implementation Date from 2 February 2021 to 18 March 2021 via email on 21 January 2021. On 22 January 2021, in accordance with the BSC, the Panel requested that Ofgem grant this request. We are now waiting for Ofgem to decide whether to grant this request or not. However, because of the short timescales involved, we are currently planning to deliver P408 on 18 March 2021.

NGESO requested an extension to the P408 Implementation Date from 3 December 2020 to 2 February 2021 at the Panel meeting on 8 October 2020. In accordance with the BSC, the Panel requested that Ofgem grant this request. On 9 November 2020, Ofgem approved the request to extend the P408 Implementation Date to 2 February 2021.

NGESO raised P408 on 5 May 2020. P408 is proposing to amend the BSC in consequence of Grid Code Modification GC0130 ‘OC2 Change for simplifying ‘output useable’ data submission and utilising REMIT data’. At its meeting on 14 May 2020, the BSC Panel unanimously agreed that P408 should be progressed directly to the Report Phase for industry consultation. 

The P408 Report Phase Consultation was issued on 8 June 2020, with responses due by Thursday, 25 June 2020. There was one respondent, NGESO, who agreed with the proposed Modification.

The Draft Modification Report was presented to the BSC panel at its meeting on 9 July 2020, with the Panel unanimously agreeing to approve the Modification for Implementation on 3 December 2020 as a standalone Release.

The changes to BSC Configurable Items needed for P408 were approved by the ISG on 6 October 2020 (ISG234/02).


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