
P394 Removal of Unused BSC Provisions

Formal title: Removal of Unused BSC Provisions

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


The problem of redundant BSC sections negatively affects the efficiency of the Code. This simplification will result in more efficient Balancing and Settlement arrangements for BSC Parties in complying with, and understanding Code provisions. Removing these sections will also prevent redundant processes having to be factored into the Foundation Programme design.


P394 seeks to remove text from the BSC which relates to provisions that have been identified as unused or expired. The provisions are:

  • Dual Notifications;
  • Joint BM Units;
  • Party and NETA Funding;
  • BSC Section I ‘Transitional Arrangements for the Implementation of BETTA’;
  • Pool Supplement;
  • Manual Credit Qualification; and
  • BSCP534 ‘PARMS Techniques’
  • Quiescent Physical Notifications


Over the lifetime of the BSC, there have been a number of provisions introduced that have since become redundant. These include provisions that were never called upon by Parties, fully developed and therefore left unused, and transitional arrangements that have now expired.


P394 was implemented on 27 February 2020 as part of the February 2020 BSC Release.

The 15 Working Day window to appeal the BSC Panel’s decision to approve P394 under Self Governance closed on Wednesday 8 January 2020. No appeals were received.

At its meeting on 12 December 2019, the BSC Panel unanimously agreed that Modification P394 should be approved for implementation on 27 February 2020.

The Report Phase Consultation was issued 14 October with responses due 22 November 2019.

The BSC Panel Raised Modification P394 at its meeting on 10 October 2019. The Panel submitted P394 directly to the Report Phase with an initial recommendation to approve.

Next Events

P394 was implemented on 27 February 2020 as part of the February 2020 BSC Release.


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