
P240 Switching Plant and Apparatus between BM Units

Formal title: Switching Plant and Apparatus between BM Units

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


P240 progresses one of the recommendations of the Issue 37 Group, and seeks to allow switching between BM Units within operational timescales. The Modification proposes to allow plant and apparatus that comprise Offshore Power Park strings to be moved between BM Units in operational timescales. This will mean changes to BSC Section K ‘Classification and Registration of Metering Systems and BM Units’ and BSCP03/15/75. The arrangements would apply in cases where Exports from and/or Imports to Plant and Apparatus may be electrically switched between transmission connections. Currently, the BSC requires a re-registration process if Parties wish to switch plant and apparatus between BM Units. The re-registration process takes at least 30 Working Days. At its meeting on 12 November, the BSC Panel considered the Assessment Report and unanimously approved the proposed solution. The Draft Modification Report will be presented to the Panel at its meeting on 10 December. On 13 November 2009, the Authority approved two related Modifications P237 & P238 with an Implementation Date of 5 Working Days.


On 20 January the Authority approved P240 with an Implementation Date of 5 working days. P240 was implemented on 27 January 2010


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