
P233 Housekeeping Modification – Correction of SSL References, Letters of Credit, Definitions in Section X and manifest errors in P215 Legal Text

Formal title: Housekeeping Modification - Correction of SSL References, Letters of Credit, Definitions in Section X and manifest errors in P215 Legal Text

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


P233 will: * Correctly reference the BSC Service Description for the SVAA; * Include Letters of Credit UCP600 and ISP98 in the code as Annex M-2 and Annex M-3 respectively, and will amend UCP500, in Annex M-1, to make it consistent with UCP600; * Include the correct definitions of two Defined Terms in Annex X-2 Table 6; * Delete two terms from Annex X-1; and * Correct manifest errors in the approved P215 legal text. The Draft Modification Report was presented to the BSC Panel on 9 April. The Panel’s unanimous recommendation is that Proposed Modification P233 should be approved with a recommended Implementation Date of 25 June 2009 (if Proposed Modification P233 is approved on or before 23 June), or two Working Days following a decision (if a decision is made after 23 June).


At their meeting, the BSC Panel submitted P233 to the Report Phase, with a draft Modification Report to be presented at the Panel meeting on 9 April 2009. The BSC Panel made an initial unanimous recommendation that P233 should be approved. On 19 May the Authority approved the Proposed Modification and it was implemented as part of the June 09 Release.


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