
P230 Enabling Interoperability through the use of CoP10 and CoP5 Metering

Formal title: Enabling Interoperability through the use of CoP10 and CoP5 Metering

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


To allow for advanced metering in non-domestic premises, changes to the Standard Conditions of the Electricity Supply Licence are being progressed. To enable Suppliers to demonstrate compliance with the proposed amendments Modification Proposal P230 has been raised and seeks to place a mandatory requirement for Suppliers to install CoP10 or CoP5 compliant meters into premises affected by the licence change.


BSC Panel’s recommendation was that the Proposed Modification should be made. On 25 November the Authority approved the Proposed Modification and it was implemented on 26 November.


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