
P226 Improving Large Combustion Plant Directive Information Disclosure

Formal title: Improving Large Combustion Plant Directive Information Disclosure

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


P226 proposes a change to the Section V – Reporting, and seeks to enhance the visibility of key Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) emission limit/allocations and operating hours data, which affects how BSC parties make such plants available to the market. It seeks to do this through the publication of such data on the Balancing Mechanism Reporting System (BMRS) in a form that is readily understandable to the market. In addition the proposal requires relevant BSC Parties to promptly inform the market (again via the BMRS) whenever they request changes to emission limits/allocations or subsequently have such changes granted under the relevant Emission Limit Value (ELV) or National Emission Reduction Plan (NERP).


The BSC Panel’s recommendation was that the Proposed Modification should be made and the Alternative Modification should not be made. The Authority approved the Proposed Modification on 27 February 2009. P226 was implemented on 25 June 2009 as part of the June 2009 Release.


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