
P119 – Increased flexibility in the reporting of upheld Trading Disputes relating to Credit Default

Formal title: Increased flexibility in the reporting of upheld Trading Disputes relating to Credit Default

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


P119 seeks to remove the requirement for notices of upheld Trading Disputes relating to Credit Default notices to be published on both the BSC Website and the BMRS – proposing to modify the Code to require that such notices may be posted on either the BMR S or the BSC Website. This will allow Elexon to adopt the best business solution as to where to post such notices and would therefore better facilitate the objective in Condition C3 (3)(d) of the Transmission Licence, i.e. promoting efficiency in the implementation and administration of the balancing and settlement arrangements.


The Authority approved the Proposed Modification on 3 June 2003. P119 was implemented on 24 June 2003 as a stand-alone Code change.


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