
Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan and Annual BSC Meeting 2024

We are delighted to invite you to our Annual BSC Meeting and Seminar at the Elexon offices where we will launch our first-ever Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan.

After the event there will be refreshments and the opportunity to network.

Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan

At the event, we will be outlining our approach to establishing common data standards and interoperability that will play a significant role in facilitating a more efficient, flexible, secure and clean energy system.

You will hear from some exceptional keynote speakers including Marzia Zafar, Deputy Director of Governance for Data and Digitalisation, Ofgem and Ben Godfrey, Director of Distribution System Operator, National Grid.

We warmly encourage you to attend in person, though a video conference option will also be available for those who wish to join remotely.

Annual BSC Meeting

As part of the Annual BSC Meeting, there will be an opportunity to hear the latest on Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) as well as Elexon’s strategic priorities for 2024/25. You will also have the opportunity to ask speakers questions.

BSC Parties will also be asked to vote on election or re-elections of the Board members. In keeping with corporate governance best practice, and to enhance the accountability of the Board, all Directors will be subject to election or re-election at the Annual BSC Meeting. Your votes matter, so if you cannot attend the Annual BSC Meeting, please appoint a proxy.

How to attend

If you’d like to attend the seminar or have a question for the Elexon Board, BSC Panel or our expert speakers, please email [email protected] by Wednesday 10 July 2024.

You are also invited, if you wish, to attend the BSC Panel meeting, which follows the annual meeting – please indicate if you would like to do so.

Please note questions will be shared with all BSC Parties.


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