List of all BSC Modifications

(Showing items 81-90 of 475)

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P395 Aligning BSC Reporting with EMR Regulations – an enduring solution

P395 seeks to introduce new and amended processes so that the BM Unit Gross Demand Report to the EMR Settlement limited (EMRS) only includes electricity ‘supplied’ to premises by Suppliers. 

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P394 Removal of Unused BSC Provisions

Removal of Unused BSC Provisions
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P393 Disapplication of Supplier Charge SP01

Disapplication of Supplier Charge SP01
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P392 Amending BSC Change Process for EBGL Article 18

This Modification will ensure the process and responsibilities for amending BSC provisions constituting EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions reflect delegations made by NGESO in favor of the BSCCo and BSC Panel, to ensure a unified market change process.

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P391 Introducing Desktop Audits

Introducing Desktop Audits
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P390 Allowing extensions to Elexon’s business and activities, subject to additional conditions

P390 seeks to introduce a framework into the BSC that allows the Elexon Board to determine whether Elexon can undertake additional activities provided certain conditions are met, and with the consent of the Authority.

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P389 Resolution of Capacity Market and Balancing Mechanism registration conflicts

P389 will delete BSC Section K paragraph 3.1.8(b) in order to remove conflict between the BSC and Capacity Market rules

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P388 ‘Aligning the P344 and P354 Solutions’

'Aligning the P344 and P354 Solutions'
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P387 ‘Allowing email communications for the BSC Panel Elections process’

This Modification Proposal aims to amend the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Panel Elections process to allow communications between parties via email. Other communication methods could be approved by the BSC Panel on a case-by-case basis.

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P386 Corrections to P344 legal text

Corrections and clarifications to the P344 ‘Project TERRE’ legal text
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