List of all BSC Modifications

(Showing items 51-60 of 475)

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P425 Single Supplier Shared SVA Meter Arrangements

This Modification aims to reduce the requirement from two or more Suppliers, to one or more Suppliers, to be involved in a Shared Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Arrangement.

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P424 Re-insert correct definition of Settlement Error

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P423 Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Implementation and Governance Arrangements

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P422 Reflecting NCER Rules in the BSC

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P421 Align BSC with Grid Code for TERRE Market Suspension

This Modification aligns the BSC with the provisions introduced into the Grid Code under GC0144 ‘Alignment of Market Suspension Rights to the EU Emergency and Restoration Code Article 35.1(b)’.

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P420 Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review

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P419 Extension of P383 to include non-final Demand

This Modification seeks to enable BSC Systems to aggregate the Import data of all non-Final Demand sites for exclusion from Balancing Services and Use of System (BSUoS) charges.

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P418 Amendments to the P383 legal text for Additional BM Units

P418 aims to ensure the Legal Text for approved BSC Modification P383 properly reflects the approved solution, business requirements, and is aligned with the BSC baseline introduced by P344, P354 and P388. In particular, it will clarify that the solution being delivered by P383 is applicable to both Supplier Base Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units and Additional BM Units.

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P417 Move the Letter of Credit templates and Approved Insurance Product requirements to the BSC Website

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P416 Introducing a route of appeal for the Annual Budget in line with the proposals for the Retail Energy Code

P416 seeks to amend the BSC to include an appeals mechanism that BSC Parties could use to challenge items in the Annual Budget.

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