List of all BSC Modifications

(Showing items 381-390 of 475)

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P095 – Transitional Amelioration of Barriers to Licenced Exempt Generators’ Market Participation

Transitional Amelioration of Barriers to Licenced Exempt Generators' Market Participation
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P094 – Introduction of Process to Allow Modification Reports to be Recalled from the Authority for Legal Drafting to be Corrected if Working Assumptions Prove Incorrect

Introduction of Process to Allow Modification Reports to be Recalled from the Authority for Legal Drafting to be Corrected if Working Assumptions Prove Incorrect
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P093 – Introduction of Process for Amendment of Proposed Modification Implementation Dates

Introduction of Process for Amendment of Proposed Modification Implementation Dates
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P092 – Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs)

Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs)
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P091 – Extension To Data Provided To the Transmission Company In The TUoS Report

Extension To Data Provided To the Transmission Company In The TUoS Report
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P090 – Improving The Representation Of Energy Balancing Actions In Cashout Prices

Improving The Representation Of Energy Balancing Actions In Cashout Prices
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P089 – Clarification Of The Timescales For Submitting MEL/MIL Data To The BMRA

Clarification Of The Timescales For Submitting MEL/MIL Data To The BMRA
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P088 – Introduction of Obligations in Relation to SVA Metering, Meter Operator Agents and Equipment Owners.

Introduction of Obligations in Relation to SVA Metering, Meter Operator Agents and Equipment Owners.
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P087 – Removal of Market Risk Associated with Operation of a Generator Inter-Trip Scheme

Removal of Market Risk Associated with Operation of a Generator Inter-Trip Scheme
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P086 – Clarification of frequency and timing of data submission of Generating Plant Demand Margin and Surplus.

Clarification of frequency and timing of data submission of Generating Plant Demand Margin and Surplus.
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