List of all BSC Modifications

These pages list all Modifications issued since 2001. Modifications are raised to introduce changes that would alter any part of the BSC or any Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs) or BSC Systems impacted by the proposed changes.

(Showing items 1-475 of 475)

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P475 Allowing All Storage Sites to set and fix their own Production/Consumption Flags

The purpose of this Modification is to address the issue of storage BM Units flipping between Production (P) and Consumption (C) statuses. This flipping leads to significant financial challenges for parties managing large storage units. The proposal seeks to allow storage BM Units to fix their P/C status, thereby mitigating these challenges.

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P474 Governance, funding and operation of the DIP

This Modification proposes changes to the BSC to enable the ongoing governance, funding and operation of the Data Integration Platform (DIP).

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P473 Correcting inconsistencies in the P415 Legal Text

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P472 Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E

This Modification proposes to amend BSC Section E to remove the requirement for Parties to be able to bring claims against BSC Agents. An industry Workgroup will be formed to consider what other measures (if any) might be appropriate to mitigate the impact of this on Parties.


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P471 Amendment to BSC Section E to allow more flexibility in procurement of BSC Agents

To allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents, to allow the option of having these systems operated by the service provider who developed them (at least for the duration of the transition period), while the currently-appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes.

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P470 Protecting the Imbalance Price from IOLC related distortions

P470 seeks to reprice Offer prices in the Imbalance Settlement Price calculation where those Offers were impacted by price restrictions introduced by the Inflexible Offers Licence Condition (IOLC).

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P469 Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Period

P469 proposal seeks to delay the Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Periods. This change would give parties a two-hour window from the Level 2 Credit Default notification until the time when any Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVN) related to a defaulting party are rejected.

To implement the proposed Solution, this Modification aims to change BSC Section M, 3.3.3 a (i) and (ii).

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P468 Enabling Elexon to support the (currently in draft) Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024

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P467 Enduring Solution in an event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE)

This is a follow on Modification from Issue 105 and provides an enduring solution in an event of a Gas Deficit Emergency (GDE). 

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P466 BSC Section N Modernisation

This Modification seeks to update BSC Section N ‘Clearing Invoicing and Payment’ to support the effective running of the Funds Administration Agent (FAA). The Modification will align the BSC with Elexon’s updated financial systems and modern banking practices to increase the efficiency of service provided to industry.

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P465 Correction to P415 legal text to amend Credit Cover requirements for Virtual Trading Parties

This Modification is required to correct an error in the approved legal drafting for P415. This Proposal will ensure that Credit Cover requirements for Virtual Trading Parties (VTPs) correctly take into account the energy volumes (‘Deviation Volumes’) that VTPs trade in wholesale markets, which was the intention of the P415 Workgroup.

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P464 Housekeeping and updating BSC references to “Consumer Scotland”, “Generation Curtailment Validation Committee” and “GCVC”

This housekeeping Modification replaces references to “Citizens Advice Scotland” with “Consumer Scotland”. It also replaces any references to “Network Gas Supply Emergency Settlement Validation Committee” and “NGSESVC” to “Generation Curtailment Validation Committee” and “GCVC”. Additionally, it also corrects 5 non-material errors and inconsistencies across 5 Sections of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC).

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P463 Introduce a Standard Change Process

To introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures.

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P462 The removal of subsidies from Bid Prices in the Balancing Mechanism

This Modification aims to reduce consumer cost potentially caused by the interaction between the BM and support mechanism arrangements. This shall be done by removing distortion of support mechanisms (such as Contracts for Difference (CfDs) and the Renewables Obligation (RO) schemes) to reduce actions being taken outside of consumer cost order when following the Bid stack merit order.

The proposed solution for consideration by an industry Workgroup is to modify the equation BSC Section T ‘Settlement and Trading Charges’ paragraph 3.11 to pay the lost support mechanism.

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P461 Accurate Reporting of Customers Delivered Volumes to Suppliers

The details reported to Suppliers when a customer delivers a Bid Offer Acceptance (BOA) through a Virtual Lead Party (VLP) do not reflect any adjustments made to that data in Settlement. This Modification proposes to address this issue by amending the values reported to Suppliers.


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P460 Amend the responsibility to propose and consult on a MHHS Migration Plan

P460 aims to change responsibility for proposing, consulting on and obtaining approval of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Migration Plan from BSCCo to the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP).

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P459 Allowing different Supplier Agents to be appointed to Import and Export MSIDs

This Modification would allow Suppliers to appoint different Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA), Meter Operator Agents (MOAs) and Data Collectors (DCs) for the Import and Export Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs) where Data Communications Company (DCC) adopted smart meters are installed. Being able to appoint different Supplier Agents across Import/Export MSIDs will remove a barrier preventing the use of Export MSIDs for small-scale micro-generation, which currently disbenefits Suppliers, sales and operators of micro-generation, and electricity consumers.

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P458 Introducing Data Controller and Processor Obligations in the BSC for MHHS Testing

The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), specifically in the context of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) testing. The current BSC General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection provisions were not designed to allow the sharing of personal information, which has now become necessary for the planned MHHS testing.

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P457 Replace the Electricity Arbitration Association with the London Court of International Arbitration

P457 proposes to remove the Electricity Arbitration Association (EAA) from the BSC and replace with the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) to deliver better value for money and service.

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P456 Enable Elexon to procure ancillary Technology Services for use by BSC Agents

Removing barriers in BSC Section E that would prevent Elexon updating BSC Agent contracts, therefore enabling BSC Agents to use Technology Services procured by Elexon. This should reduce costs for BSC Parties.

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P455 On-Site Aggregation as a method to facilitate Third Party Access

This Modification seeks to establish a more cost effective and efficient method for delivering Third Party Access on private networks that include domestic and small business customers. It does so by enabling aggregated meter data from sub meters on private networks to be submitted into Settlement in lieu of data from Settlement meters installed at the Boundary Point.

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P454 Removal of BSC obligations to provide BMRS Data via TIBCO and the High Grade Service

This Modification would remove the existing requirement within BSC Section V ‘Reporting’ for the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA) to provide BMR Service (BMRS) data via the legacy High Grade Service, otherwise referred to as the TIBCO service.

P454 is a recommendation from BSC Issue 95, which considered the impacts associated with maintaining the legacy TIBCO service.

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P453 Metering Dispensation process improvements and clarification to the CoPs

This Modification seeks to progress two recommendations from Issue 93 ‘Review of the BSC metering Codes of Practice’. The first recommendation clarifies the relevant Code of Practice (CoP) for circuits embedded behind the Boundary Point Metering System or Defined Metering Point (DMP). The second recommendation eliminates the need for Metering Dispensations when the Actual Metering Point (AMP) does not coincide with the DMP, but there is no impact on Settlement accuracy.

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P452 Replacement of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme for non-domestic customers with the Energy Bill Discount Scheme

This Modification seeks to enable Elexon as the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) to act as the payment provider for the Government’s Energy Bill Discount (EBD) Scheme for non-domestic electricity customers. This scheme will replace the existing Energy Bill Relief (EBR) Scheme.

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P451 Updating BSC Black Start provisions and compensation arrangements

P451 seeks to facilitate the implementation of NGESO’s new approach to Black Start, termed System Restoration. In doing so, it proposes to update all BSC references to “Black Start” to “System Restoration”, and enable contracted Restoration Service Providers who are non-BSC parties to claim BSC Black Start compensation.

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P450 Housekeeping and making the BSC gender neutral

This housekeeping Modification corrects a total of 52 non-material errors and inconsistencies across 31 Sections (including 9 Annexes) of the BSC. It also replaces gender specific references with references that are gender neutral to bring the BSC in line with modern best practice and other energy codes.

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P449 Non-domestic Energy Bill Relief Scheme

This Modification seeks to enable Elexon (BSCCo) to act as the payment provider for the Government’s Energy Bill Relief Scheme for non-domestic electricity customers. The intention of the subsidy would be to reduce non-domestic consumer tariffs in light of the recent rises in energy costs. 

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P448 Mitigating Gas Supply Emergency Risks

The war in Ukraine and resultant gas shortages in Europe significantly increases the risk of Generators in GB being prevented from generating this winter (due to Firm Load Shedding during a Gas Supply Emergency). If that happens Generators are likely to incur massive Imbalance Charges and credit cover requirements, potentially causing them to become insolvent. Even if such an Emergency does not occur, the risk that it could occur is likely to force Generators to reduce their forward and Day Ahead trading, reducing liquidity in electricity markets, and raising costs for electricity consumers.

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P447 Avoiding impact of Winter Contingency actions on cash-out prices

This Modification would prevent negative impacts to the cash-out price if NGESO’s Winter Contingency service is used.

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P446 Domestic Energy Price Guarantee Scheme

This Modification seeks to enable Elexon (BSCCo) to implement and administer the payment scheme for Suppliers as part of the Government’s Energy Price Guarantee scheme for domestic electricity customers. The intention of the subsidy would be to reduce consumer tariffs in light of the recent rises in energy costs.

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P445 Improving efficiency of Default Funding Share process and Energy Supply Company Administration

This Modification seeks to allow the Funds Administration Agent (FAA) to process a Default Funding Share for unpaid Trading Charges earlier to reduce the cost of the borrowing facility and reduce the risk of shortfall. The Modification will also allow the Panel to instruct the FAA to release Trading Charges where the default relates to an Energy Supply Company Administration (ESCA).

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P444 Compensation for Virtual Lead Party actions in the Balancing Mechanism

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P443 To Cap NGESO Interconnector Trades

At the current time National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) can trade at prices above the Value of Lost Load (VoLL – as defined in BSC Section T 1.12, currently set at £6,000/MWh). The Proposer’s view is that this adds to customers’ costs and sends a signal to the markets that customers are willing to buy power at any price. In a cost of living crisis the Proposer does not believe that the British public are prepared to buy energy at any price.

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P442 Reporting chargeable volumes for exempt and licensed supply

This Modification seeks to allow correct reporting of chargeable volumes to the EMRS company for SVA Metering Systems that record both exempt supply and licensed supply through the addition of a new third party role, the “Exempt Supply Notification Agent”.

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P441 Creation of Complex Site Classes

This Modification looks to progress a recommendation of the Issue 88 Workgroup to introduce Complex Site classes. These classes would categorise the types of Complex Site, each having clearly defined criteria within the BSC. A new “type” of Complex Site (referred to as a Class 6 Complex Site) to allow approval of ”non-standard” complex sites would also be introduced.
P441 would also clarify when the netting of Imports from Exports for multiple Metering Systems registered in Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) is permitted.

This change would facilitate consistency across the market and as so called “Local Energy Schemes” become more popular, rules for when netting are permitted would be clearly defined going forward.

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P440 Enabling Elexon to administer the Capacity Market Advisory Group

The BSC does not currently allow Elexon to undertake administrative activities that would support the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG). This does not align to Ofgem’s decision to appoint Elexon to undertake the CMAG administrative activities on its behalf.

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P439 Enabling EDA-based Data Integration Platform Development

This Modification makes changes to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) to enable Elexon, in its capacity as the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Implementation Manager, to develop the Event Driven Architecture (EDA) based system for MHHS, which will be known as the Data Integration Platform (DIP).

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P438 Amending the BSC to address sanction orders

This Modification would allow Elexon to seamlessly give effect to sanctions orders.

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P437 Allowing non-BSC Parties to request Metering Dispensations

This Modification proposes to introduce a provision in Section L ‘Metering’ to allow the relevant Meter Operator Agent to apply for Metering Dispensations on behalf of a non-BSC Party.

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P436 Consequential BSC changes for Switching SCR (REC 3.0)

Ofgem’s Switching Significant Code Review (SCR) will introduce the new Central Switching Service (CSS) and version 3.0 of the Retail Energy Code (REC 3.0). P436 progresses the consequential BSC changes needed to align with REC 3.0. 

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P435 Enabling EMRS to undertake preparatory work for potential future settlement services to LCCC

This Modification proposes to extend Elexon Vires through its wholly-owned subsidiary company Electricity Market Reform Settlement (EMRS) Limited.

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P434 Half Hourly Settlement for UMS Metering Systems

This Modification will require a period of mandatory Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) activity for all Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Metering Systems to complete before the Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) migration to the Target Operating Model (Milestone 11 (M11) in the MHHS Timetable). At the time of writing, this would need to complete by October 2024. It will also require all new UMS connections to be settled Half Hourly (HH) from 12 months prior to M11, currently October 2023.

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P433 P375-P420 Legal Text Alignment

P433 seeks to ensure that the Legal Text for Approved Modification P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point’ is aligned with the BSC baseline introduced by the implementation of P420 ‘Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review’. This Modification will correct a number of manifest errors introduced into the P375 legal text by P420 and will therefore allow the implementation of the P375 Legal Text in the BSC on the P375 Implementation Date. 

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P432 Half Hourly Settlement for CT Advanced Metering Systems

This Modification proposes to align the BSC definition of an Advanced Meter with that in the Standard License Conditions (SLC) and to set explicit Half Hourly (HH) Settlement obligations for Current Transformer (CT) Advanced Meters ahead of the migration to Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS). 

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P431 Post Brexit Agreement Updates

As a result of the UK leaving the EU, Great Britain (GB) is no longer part of the Internal Energy Market and updates are required to the BSC to ensure that the legal text appropriately reflects these changes.

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P430 Extension of P375 to include Suppliers

P430 seeks to extend the solution to Approved Modification P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point’ to allow Suppliers to register Asset Meters and allocate Asset Metering System Identifier (AMSID) Pairs to Secondary Balancing Mechanism Units (SBMUs).

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P429 Switching off Participant-Reported PARMS Serials

P429 will permanently cease the operation of, and remove the obligations associated with, participant-reported Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Serials and associated Supplier Charges.

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P428 Correction to P376 Legal Text

This Modification is required to correct an error contained within the approved legal drafting for P376. This Proposal will ensure that Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs) do not need to submit the status of Metering System Identifier (MSID) pairs contained within secondary Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units that do not use the baselining methodology introduced in the P376 solution.

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P427 Publication of Performance Assurance Parties’ impact on Settlement Risk

This Modification seeks to amend BSC Section Z to allow the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) to recommend that the Panel publish notices to industry in respect of Performance Assurance Parties’ (PAPs’) contribution to Settlement Risk along with relevant risk data.

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P426 Combining related BSC Parties’ Energy Indebtedness positions for the Credit Cover Percentage calculation

This Modification proposes to remove inefficiencies with the Credit Cover calculation by allowing related BSC Parties to combine their Energy Indebtedness prior to calculating the Credit Cover Percentage.

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P425 Single Supplier Shared SVA Meter Arrangements

This Modification aims to reduce the requirement from two or more Suppliers, to one or more Suppliers, to be involved in a Shared Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Arrangement.

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P424 Re-insert correct definition of Settlement Error

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P423 Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Implementation and Governance Arrangements

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P422 Reflecting NCER Rules in the BSC

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P421 Align BSC with Grid Code for TERRE Market Suspension

This Modification aligns the BSC with the provisions introduced into the Grid Code under GC0144 ‘Alignment of Market Suspension Rights to the EU Emergency and Restoration Code Article 35.1(b)’.

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P420 Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review

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P419 Extension of P383 to include non-final Demand

This Modification seeks to enable BSC Systems to aggregate the Import data of all non-Final Demand sites for exclusion from Balancing Services and Use of System (BSUoS) charges.

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P418 Amendments to the P383 legal text for Additional BM Units

P418 aims to ensure the Legal Text for approved BSC Modification P383 properly reflects the approved solution, business requirements, and is aligned with the BSC baseline introduced by P344, P354 and P388. In particular, it will clarify that the solution being delivered by P383 is applicable to both Supplier Base Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units and Additional BM Units.

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P417 Move the Letter of Credit templates and Approved Insurance Product requirements to the BSC Website

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P416 Introducing a route of appeal for the Annual Budget in line with the proposals for the Retail Energy Code

P416 seeks to amend the BSC to include an appeals mechanism that BSC Parties could use to challenge items in the Annual Budget.

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P415 Facilitating access to wholesale markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties

P415 seeks to amend the BSC to allow Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs) to participate in the GB wholesale market. 

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P414 Allowing a Party to Withdraw from the BSC and transfer outstanding liabilities to another Party

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P413 Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme Manager

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P412 Ensuring non-BM Balancing Services providers pay for non-delivery imbalances at a price that reflects the real-time value of energy

This Modification will introduce imbalance charges for non-Balancing Mechanism (BM) Balancing Services providers, where their delivery does not match instructed volumes. This will mean the GB market more effectively meets the requirements of the Clean Energy Package.

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P411 Including new LDSOs in Qualification to mitigate potential risks to Settlement

P411 aims to improve the effectiveness of the Qualification Performance Assurance Technique (PAT) by requiring new Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) to undergo Qualification in this role. 

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P410 Changing imbalance price calculations to comply with the Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation regulations

P410  sought to introduce changes to the imbalance price calculations to ensure BSC compliance with the European Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation regulations.

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P409 Aligning BMRS Reporting Requirements with the Clean Energy Package

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P408 Simplifying the Output Usable Data Process

P408 is being raised as a consequential BSC Modification to Grid Code Modification GC0130.

The Modification aims to deliver:

  • Continued alignment of the Grid Code and BSC processes; and
  • Improved market transparency and efficiency through provision of additional Output Usable, Margin and Surplus data in the two to three year ahead timescale.
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P407 Project MARI

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P406 Temporary disapplication of Supplier Charge Serials SP08 and SP04 due to COVID-19

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P405 Allow notices via email where currently prohibited

P405 will allow notices that the BSC currently requires to be sent by post or fax to be sent by email.

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P404 Moving the SAD to a Category 3 BSC Configurable Item

Moving the Self Assessment Document and associated documents from BSCP537 and making them a Category 3 BSC Configurable Item
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P403 BSC Arrangements in the event that the TERRE Market is suspended by National Grid ESO

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P402 Enabling reform of residual network charging as directed by the Targeted Charging Review

Following the conclusion of its Targeted Charging Review Significant Code Review , Ofgem directed National Grid and certain LDSOs to make changes to how residual revenues are recovered through Distribution Use of System (DUoS) and Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) demand charges.

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P401 Governance arrangements for BSC Panel Alternates

To clarify the governance arrangements for BSC Panel Alternates in respect of their contribution to quoracy and voting at BSC Panel meetings. This will help to address ambiguity within the existing arrangements.

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P400 BSC Panel Modification Business via Video/Teleconference

BSC Panel Modification Business via Video/Teleconference
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P399 BSAD Identity Visibility

P399 seeks to include additional information in the Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) to identify the assets involved in bilateral trades.

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P398 Increasing access to BSC Data

P398 seeks to increase accessibility to data held by Elexon and BSC Agents. It will better align the BSC with the United Kingdom’s Industrial Strategy.

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P397 Assessing the costs and benefits of adjusting Parties’ Imbalances following a demand disconnection

P397 seeks to introduce a mechanism through which the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) determines whether certain Parties should carry out the Settlement Adjustment Processes following a DCE.

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P396 Revised treatment of BSC Charges for Lead Parties of Interconnector BM Units

Revised treatment of BSC Charges for Lead Parties of Interconnector BM Units
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P395 Aligning BSC Reporting with EMR Regulations – an enduring solution

P395 seeks to introduce new and amended processes so that the BM Unit Gross Demand Report to the EMR Settlement limited (EMRS) only includes electricity ‘supplied’ to premises by Suppliers. 

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P394 Removal of Unused BSC Provisions

Removal of Unused BSC Provisions
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P393 Disapplication of Supplier Charge SP01

Disapplication of Supplier Charge SP01
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P392 Amending BSC Change Process for EBGL Article 18

This Modification will ensure the process and responsibilities for amending BSC provisions constituting EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions reflect delegations made by NGESO in favor of the BSCCo and BSC Panel, to ensure a unified market change process.

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P391 Introducing Desktop Audits

Introducing Desktop Audits
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P390 Allowing extensions to Elexon’s business and activities, subject to additional conditions

P390 seeks to introduce a framework into the BSC that allows the Elexon Board to determine whether Elexon can undertake additional activities provided certain conditions are met, and with the consent of the Authority.

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P389 Resolution of Capacity Market and Balancing Mechanism registration conflicts

P389 will delete BSC Section K paragraph 3.1.8(b) in order to remove conflict between the BSC and Capacity Market rules

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P388 ‘Aligning the P344 and P354 Solutions’

'Aligning the P344 and P354 Solutions'
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P387 ‘Allowing email communications for the BSC Panel Elections process’

This Modification Proposal aims to amend the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Panel Elections process to allow communications between parties via email. Other communication methods could be approved by the BSC Panel on a case-by-case basis.

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P386 Corrections to P344 legal text

Corrections and clarifications to the P344 ‘Project TERRE’ legal text
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P385 ‘Improving the efficacy and efficiency of the Section H Default provisions’

Improving the efficacy and efficiency of the Section H Default provisions
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P384: The publication of European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL) balancing data by BMRS

P384 'The publication of European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL) balancing data by BMRS'
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P383 ‘Enhanced reporting of demand data to the NETSO to facilitate CUSC Modifications CMP280 and CMP281’

Enhanced reporting of demand data to the NETSO to facilitate CUSC Modifications CMP280 and CMP281
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P382 – Amendments to the BSC in the event of no-deal Brexit

The Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) contains multiple references to European Union (EU) legislation and bodies. Additionally, it also contains text introduced as a result of implementing various EU legislation. Retaining these references and text following the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) withdrawal from the EU without a deal (‘no-deal Brexit’) would have meant that the BSC would have been technically inaccurate but would have remained operable because of the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018.

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P381: Removal of Quarterly Reports

P381 proposes to remove Section C3.9.1 of the BSC in respect of ‘quarterly reports’. 

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P380 ‘Revision to Replacement Reserve Bid Data submission deadline requirements’

Modifying the P344 wording of BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Services Activities’ to ensure National Grid ESO’s continued compliance with the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and the Replacement Reserve Implementation Framework (RRIF).

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P379 ‘Multiple Suppliers through Meter Splitting’

Enabling consumers to buy and sell electricity from/to multiple providers through Meter Splitting
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P378 ‘Introduction of a CM Supplier Interim Charge’

Introduction of a CM Supplier Interim Charge
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P377: Amending Gate Closures in Market Index Data

Amending Gate Closure references in Market Index Data to include trades up to the Submission Deadline in the Market Index Data Calculations
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P376 ‘Utilising a Baselining Methodology to set Physical Notifications’

Utilising a Baselining Methodology to set Physical Notifications for Settlement of Applicable Balancing Services
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P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point’

P375 will allow Metering Equipment situated ‘behind’ the defined Boundary Point to be used for Settlement purposes in place of the Boundary Point Meter. Primarily, this will allow balancing-related services on-site from smaller assets to be separated from current imbalance-related activities, more accurately reflecting the balancing-energy volumes provided by the Balancing Service Provider (BSP).

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P374: Aligning the BSC with EBGL

Aligning the BSC with the EBGL change process and derogation approach
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P373: Reversal of P297

Reversing the changes relating to Approved Modification P297
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P372: Speeding up the approval process for the publication of BSC data on the BMRS

Speeding up the approval process for the publication of BSC data on the BMRS
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P371 Inclusion of non-BM Fast Reserve actions into the Imbalance Price calculation

Levelling the playing field - Inclusion of Spin-Gen, Non-BM Fast Reserve and Non-Tendered Fast Reserve actions into the calculation of the Imbalance Price and extension of the cash-out price arrangements to Fast Reserve
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P370: Allowing non-BSC Parties to raise Modifications

P370 'Allow the Panel to designate non-BSC Parties to raise Modifications'
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P369: National Grid Legal Separation

P369 proposes to modify the Balancing Settlement Code (BSC) to reflect the creation of a new National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) that is legally separate from National Grid Electricity Transmission Limited (NGET).

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P368: Section Z and PAF Procedures

P368 seeks to amend provisions in the timing and revision of the PAF Procedure documents in order to support the objectives of the Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) Review in delivering a more efficient and effective PAF.

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P367: Removal of SBR and DSBR arrangements

P367 proposes to remove the Supplemental Balancing Reserve (SBR) and Demand Side Balancing Reserve (DSBR) arrangements from the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). 

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P366 Change to Supplier Charge SP08a for hard-to-read sites

P366 proposed amending how Supplier Charge SP08a is applied to Non Half Hourly non-Domestic Meters that are hard-to-read (HTR). It is believed that applying Supplier Charge SP08a to HTR Metering Systems is anti-competitive and limits consumer choice. 

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P365: relates to the Retail Energy Code

Enabling Elexon to tender for the Retail Energy Code (REC)
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P364: Clarifying requirements for registering and maintaining BM Units

P364 will clarify the requirements for configuring and registering Plant and Apparatus in Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units. Specifically where Parties seek to share responsibility for Imports and Export from the same Plant and Apparatus or via the same Boundary Point. It will also clarify the circumstances and requirements for maintaining BM Unit registration details and seeking to re-register BM Units when the configuration of Plant and Apparatus change.

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P363: simplifying registration of new configurations of BM Units

Simplifying the registration of new configurations of BM Units
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P362: Electricity market sandbox

Introducing BSC arrangements to facilitate an electricity market sandbox
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P361 – Revised treatment of BSC Charges for Lead Parties of Interconnector BM Units

Revised treatment of BSC Charges for Lead Parties of Interconnector BM Units
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P360 – Making the BSC’s imbalance price compliant with the European Balancing Guideline

Making the BSC’s imbalance price compliant with the European Balancing Guideline
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P359 ‘Mechanised process for GC/DC declarations’

Mechanised process for GC/DC declarations
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P358 – Roll over of BSC Seasonal GCDC

Roll over of BSC Seasonal GCDC
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P357 – Removal of GC/DC tolerance parameters from BSC Section K

Removal of GC/DC tolerance parameters from BSC Section K
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P356 – Aligning the BSC with Grid Code Modification GC0099 ‘Establishing a common approach to interconnector scheduling consistent with the single intraday market coupling processes set out within Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 (CACM)’

Aligning the BSC with Grid Code Modification GC0099 'Establishing a common approach to interconnector scheduling consistent with the single intraday market coupling processes set out within Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 (CACM)'
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P355 – Introduction of a BM Lite Balancing Mechanism

Introduction of a BM Lite Balancing Mechanism
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P354 – Use of ABSVD for non-BM Balancing Services at the metered (MPAN) level

Use of ABSVD for non-BM Balancing Services at the metered (MPAN) level
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P353 – Align Section B with the intent of P324

Align Section B with the intent of P324
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P352 – Housekeeping changes to BSC Section M

Housekeeping changes to BSC Section M
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P351 – Align the BSC with changes to the SCR requirements

Align the BSC with changes to the SCR requirements
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P350: Zonal Transmission Losses

Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme
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P349 – Facilitating Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill

Facilitating Embedded Generation Triad Avoidance Standstill
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P348 – Provision of gross BM Unit data for TNUoS charging

Provision of gross BM Unit data for TNUoS charging
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P347 – Reduction in R1 Read Requirement for Half Hourly Sites

Reduction in R1 Read Requirement for Half Hourly Sites
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P346 – Changes to the BSC Specified Charges to facilitate Elective HH settlement

Changes to the BSC Specified Charges to facilitate Elective HH settlement
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P345 – Reducing the CAP change notice period and improving its flexibility

Reducing the CAP change notice period and improving its flexibility
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P344 ‘Wider Access & Project TERRE’

‘Project TERRE implementation into GB market arrangements’
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P343 – Increase to the number of Supplier IDs that can be held by a Supplier

Increase to the number of Supplier IDs that can be held by a Supplier
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P342 – Change to Gate Closure for Energy Contract Volume Notifications

Change to Gate Closure for Energy Contract Volume Notifications
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P341 – Forward Publication of Maximum Export and Import Limits

Forward Publication of Maximum Export and Import Limits
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P340 – Removal of References and Requirements Relating to the LCPD

Removal of References and Requirements Relating to the LCPD
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P339 – Introduction of new Consumption Component Classes for Measurement Classes E-G

Introduction of new Consumption Component Classes for Measurement Classes E-G
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P338 – Consequential changes to P272 legal text

Consequential changes to P272 legal text
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P337 – Extension to the payment timescales for Quarter Date Advice Notes below the Advice Note Threshold Limit

Extension to the payment timescales for Quarter Date Advice Notes below the Advice Note Threshold Limit
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P336 – Fuel types on the BMRS

Fuel types on the BMRS
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P335 – Inclusion of Non-BM STOR costs and volumes in the indicative cashout price

Inclusion of Non-BM STOR costs and volumes in the indicative cashout price
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P334 – Inclusion of Non-BM STOR costs and volumes into the cashout price in time for publication after the end of the Settlement Period

Inclusion of Non-BM STOR costs and volumes into the cashout price in time for publication after the end of the Settlement Period
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P333 – Inclusion of DSBR volumes into the cashout price in time for publication after the end of the Settlement Period

Inclusion of DSBR volumes into the cashout price in time for publication after the end of the Settlement Period
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P332 ‘Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle’

Revisions to the Supplier Hub Principle
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P331 – Extended Dispute Deadline at the Post-Final Settlement Run under exceptional circumstances

Extended Dispute Deadline at the Post-Final Settlement Run under exceptional circumstances
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P330 – Allowing Elexon to tender for the Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role

Allowing Elexon to tender for the Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role
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P329 – Changes to REMIT inside information reporting

Changes to REMIT inside information reporting
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P328 – Clarifying BSC SBR definitions to align with the BSAD and SMAF Methodology Statements

Clarifying BSC SBR definitions to align with the BSAD and SMAF Methodology Statements
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P327 – Clarifications to P305 legal text

Clarifications to P305 legal text
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P326 – Introduction of a non-Working Day adjustment to the Credit Cover Percentage calculation

Introduction of a non-Working Day adjustment to the Credit Cover Percentage calculation
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P325 – Improving the accountability of BSCCo to stakeholders and better aligning BSCCo governance with best practice

Improving the accountability of BSCCo to stakeholders and better aligning BSCCo governance with best practice
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P324 – Review of BSCCo’s governance: introducing improved accountability to BSC Parties

Review of BSCCo’s governance: introducing improved accountability to BSC Parties
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P323 – Enabling inclusion and treatment of SBR in the Imbalance Price

Enabling inclusion and treatment of SBR in the Imbalance Price
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P322 – Revised Implementation Arrangements for Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8

Revised Implementation Arrangements for Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8
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P321 – Publication of Trading Unit Delivery Mode

Publication of Trading Unit Delivery Mode
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P320 – Reporting on Profile Classes 5 – 8 Metering Systems after the implementation of P272

Reporting on Profile Classes 5 – 8 Metering Systems after the implementation of P272
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P319: Removal of annual RMP review from PAF

Removal of annual RMP review from PAF
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P318 – Change of Party ID/Company Number Through Enabling Assignment

Change of Party ID/Company Number Through Enabling Assignment
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P317 – Changes to the Unmetered Supplies obligations in the BSC

Changes to the Unmetered Supplies obligations in the BSC
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P316 – Introduction of a single marginal cash-out price

Introduction of a single marginal cash-out price
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P315: Suppliers’ Meter Volume and MPAN counts

Publication of Gross Supplier Market Share Data
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P314 – Reduction in PAR from 500MWh to 350MWh

Reduction in PAR from 500MWh to 350MWh
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P313 – Required Housekeeping Changes to Implement P295 and EMR

Required Housekeeping Changes to Implement P295 and EMR
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P312 – Required Housekeeping Changes to Implement P298 and EMR

Required Housekeeping Changes to Implement P298 and EMR
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P311 – Required Housekeeping Changes to Implement P291 and P295

Required Housekeeping Changes to Implement P291 and P295
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P310 – Revised Credit Cover for Exporting Supplier BM Units

Revised Credit Cover for Exporting Supplier BM Units
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P309 – Facility to enable BSC Parties to select either replacement contract notifications or additional contract notifications

Facility to enable BSC Parties to select either replacement contract notifications or additional contract notifications
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P308 – Alternative security product for securing credit under the BSC

Alternative security product for securing credit under the BSC
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P307 – Amendments to Credit Default arrangements

Amendments to Credit Default arrangements
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P306 – Expanding the definition of a ‘Letter of Credit’ to include regulated insurance companies

Expanding the definition of a ‘Letter of Credit’ to include regulated insurance companies
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P305 – Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review Developments

Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review Developments
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P304 – Reduction in PAR from 500MWh to 250MWh

Reduction in PAR from 500MWh to 250MWh
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P303 – Amendments to the Provisions for BSCCo Directors

Amendments to the Provisions for BSCCo Directors
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P302 – Improve the Change of Supplier Meter read and Settlement process for smart Meters

Improve the Change of Supplier Meter read and Settlement process for smart Meters
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P301 – Replacement of National Consumer Council by Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland

Replacement of National Consumer Council by Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland
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P300 – Introduction of new Measurement Classes to support Half Hourly DCUSA Tariff Changes (DCP179)

Introduction of new Measurement Classes to support Half Hourly DCUSA Tariff Changes (DCP179)
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P299 – Allow National Grid access to Metering System Metered Consumption data to support the DSBR service

Allow National Grid access to Metering System Metered Consumption data to support the DSBR service
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P298 – Consequential amendments to the BSC Modification process following the implementation of Third package and other miscellaneous changes

Consequential amendments to the BSC Modification process following the implementation of Third package and other miscellaneous changes
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P297 – Receipt and Publication of New and Revised Dynamic Data Items

Receipt and Publication of New and Revised Dynamic Data Items
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P296 – Introduction of a ‘Fast Track’ Modification Process following the outcomes of the Code Governance Review (Phase 2)

Introduction of a ‘Fast Track’ Modification Process following the outcomes of the Code Governance Review (Phase 2)
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P295 – Submission and publication of Transparency regulation data via the BMRS

Submission and publication of Transparency regulation data via the BMRS
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P294 – Addition of Offshore Transmission System and OTSUA to the definition of the Total System

Addition of Offshore Transmission System and OTSUA to the definition of the Total System
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P293 – Changes to BSC Section H ‘Audit’ and BSC Service Description for BSC Audit to reflect current Practice

Changes to BSC Section H ‘Audit’ and BSC Service Description for BSC Audit to reflect current Practice
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P292 – Amending Supplier & Meter Operator Agent responsibilities for smart Meter Technical Details

Amending Supplier & Meter Operator Agent responsibilities for smart Meter Technical Details
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P291 – REMIT Inside Information Reporting Platform for GB Electricity

REMIT Inside Information Reporting Platform for GB Electricity
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P290 – Enabling Elexon to participate in roles in support of the Smart Energy Code (SEC) Panel

Enabling Elexon to participate in roles in support of the Smart Energy Code (SEC) Panel
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P289 – Enabling Elexon to participate in tendering for the DCC Licensee role via a subsidiary

Enabling Elexon to participate in tendering for the DCC Licensee role via a subsidiary
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P288 – Aligning Supplier Charge SP08a calculation with current practice

Aligning Supplier Charge SP08a calculation with current practice
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P287 – Allow the BSC Panel to conduct Modification Business via teleconference

Allow the BSC Panel to conduct Modification Business via teleconference
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P286 – Revised treatment of RCRC for generation BM Units

Revised treatment of RCRC for generation BM Units
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P285 – Revised treatment of RCRC for Interconnector BM Units

Revised treatment of RCRC for Interconnector BM Units
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P284 – Expansion of Elexon’s role via the ‘contract model’

Expansion of Elexon’s role via the ‘contract model’
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P283 – Reinforcing the Commissioning of Metering Equipment Processes

Reinforcing the Commissioning of Metering Equipment Processes
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P282 – Allow MVRNs from Production to Consumption or Vice Versa

Allow MVRNs from Production to Consumption or Vice Versa
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P281 Change of BSCCo Board of Directors & Chairman

Change of BSCCo Board of Directors & Chairman
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P280 Introduction of new Measurement Classes

Introduction of new Measurement Classes
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P279 Correcting the BSC description of the CDCA to SVAA interface for GSP Group net Export

Correcting the BSC description of the CDCA to SVAA interface for GSP Group net Export
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P278 Treatment of Transmission Losses for Interconnector Users

Treatment of Transmission Losses for Interconnector Users
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P277 Allow Interconnector BM Units to choose their P/C Status

Allow Interconnector BM Units to choose their P/C Status
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P276 Introduce an additional trigger/threshold for suspending the market in the event of a Partial Shutdown

Introduce an additional trigger/threshold for suspending the market in the event of a Partial Shutdown
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P275 Extending BSC Performance Assurance

Extending BSC Performance Assurance
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P274 Cessation of Compensatory Adjustments

Cessation of Compensatory Adjustments
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P273 Make the SVA Funding Share Calculation robust to changes in Scaling Weights

Make the SVA Funding Share Calculation robust to changes in Scaling Weights
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P272 Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8

Mandatory Half Hourly Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8
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P271 NETSO Consultation in relation to any potential changes to the BSC which takes place in forums other than the BSC Panel

NETSO Consultation in relation to any potential changes to the BSC which takes place in forums other than the BSC Panel
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P270 The Application of Line Loss Factors to GSPs that are not Transmission-interconnected

The Application of Line Loss Factors to GSPs that are not Transmission-interconnected
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P269 Prevention of Base Trading Unit BMUs’ Account Status Flipping from Consumption to Production (the “Flipping” mod)

Prevention of Base Trading Unit BMUs’ Account Status Flipping from Consumption to Production (the “Flipping” mod)
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P268 Clarify the P/C status process for exempt BM Units

Clarify the P/C status process for exempt BM Units
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P267 Consideration of wider industry developments and duration of proposed changes when agreeing progression timetables

Consideration of wider industry developments and duration of proposed changes when agreeing progression timetables
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P266 Improving the allocation of Reactive Power flows between Import and Export Metering Systems

Improving the allocation of Reactive Power flows between Import and Export Metering Systems
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P265 Improving the Accuracy of the Credit Calculation (P253 Alternative solution)

Improving the Accuracy of the Credit Calculation (P253 Alternative solution)
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P264 Two-thirds majority requirement for Panel recommendations on licence originated Modifications

Two-thirds majority requirement for Panel recommendations on licence originated Modifications
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P263 Code Governance Review: Send Back Process and Environmental Assessment

Code Governance Review: Send Back Process and Environmental Assessment
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P262 Code Governance Review: Significant Code Reviews, Self Governance and Code Administration Code of Practice

Code Governance Review: Significant Code Reviews, Self Governance and Code Administration Code of Practice
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P261 Correcting an omission in the BSC arising from the P216 Alternative Modification legal text

Correcting an omission in the BSC arising from the P216 Alternative Modification legal text
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P260 Extension to data provided to the Transmission Company in the TUoS Report

Extension to data provided to the Transmission Company in the TUoS Report
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P259 Provision of Applicable Balancing Service Volumes for Interconnectors

Provision of Applicable Balancing Service Volumes for Interconnectors
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P258 Including Party Agents in the Trading Disputes process

Including Party Agents in the Trading Disputes process
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P257 Removal of the concept of Trading Queries

Removal of the concept of Trading Queries
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P256 Improving efficiency and clarity of the Trading Disputes process

Improving efficiency and clarity of the Trading Disputes process
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P255 Profile Administrator: creating flexibility in discharging the service

Profile Administrator: creating flexibility in discharging the service
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P254 Removal of Main and SVA Specified Charge Amounts from the Code

Removal of Main and SVA Specified Charge Amounts from the Code
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P253 Improving the accuracy of the credit calculation for SVA participants

Improving the accuracy of the credit calculation for SVA participants
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P252 Removal of Trading Parties’ ability to submit two votes at elections of BSC Panel industry members

Removal of Trading Parties’ ability to submit two votes at elections of BSC Panel industry members
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P251 Revision of the election process for BSC Panel Industry Members

Revision of the election process for BSC Panel Industry Members
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P250 Prevention of ‘Timing Out’ of Authority decisions on Modification Proposals

Prevention of 'Timing Out' of Authority decisions on Modification Proposals
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P249 Revision of banking arrangements under the BSC

Revision of banking arrangements under the BSC
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P248 Aligning BSC interest calculation requirements with the FAA calculation method and P235 principles

Aligning BSC interest calculation requirements with the FAA calculation method and P235 principles
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P247 Proposer ‘ownership’ of Modification Proposals

Proposer ‘ownership’ of Modification Proposals
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P246 Reporting to LDSOs of Aggregated Metering Data for Embedded Networks

Reporting to LDSOs of Aggregated Metering Data for Embedded Networks
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P245 Changes to Long Term vacant Sites Timescales

Changes to Long Term vacant Sites Timescales
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P244 – Provision of BritNed flow data to the BMRS

Provision of BritNed flow data to the BMRS
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P243 Publication of Generator Forward Availability by Fuel Type

Publication of Generator Forward Availability by Fuel Type
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P242 Treatment of Exemptable Generation Connected to Embedded Offshore Transmission Networks

Treatment of Exemptable Generation Connected to Embedded Offshore Transmission Networks
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P241 Relaxation of Requirement to Separately Meter Licensable Generating Units

Relaxation of Requirement to Separately Meter Licensable Generating Units
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P240 Switching Plant and Apparatus between BM Units

Switching Plant and Apparatus between BM Units
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P239 Correcting Manifest Errors and Modifying an Interface in the P217 Legal Text

Correcting Manifest Errors and Modifying an Interface in the P217 Legal Text
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P238 Removal of the requirement to Meter each Boundary Point for Offshore Power Park Modules

Removal of the requirement to Meter each Boundary Point for Offshore Power Park Modules
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P237 Standard BM Unit Configuration for Offshore Power Park Modules

Standard BM Unit Configuration for Offshore Power Park Modules
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P236 Compensation Claims for Metered Volume Reallocation Notification (MVRN) Parties arising from an Outage

Compensation Claims for Metered Volume Reallocation Notification (MVRN) Parties arising from an Outage
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P235 Aligning BSC requirements with the calculation of reconciliation interest performed by the Funds Administration Agent

Aligning BSC requirements with the calculation of reconciliation interest performed by the Funds Administration Agent
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P234 Housekeeping Modification – Correction and manifest errors in P217 Legal Text

Housekeeping Modification - Correction and manifest errors in P217 Legal Text
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P233 Housekeeping Modification – Correction of SSL References, Letters of Credit, Definitions in Section X and manifest errors in P215 Legal Text

Housekeeping Modification - Correction of SSL References, Letters of Credit, Definitions in Section X and manifest errors in P215 Legal Text
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P232 Black Start and Fuel Security Compensation and Single Imbalance Price Derivation

Black Start and Fuel Security Compensation and Single Imbalance Price Derivation
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P231 Black Start and Fuel Security Code Procedures under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)

Black Start and Fuel Security Code Procedures under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)
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P230 Enabling Interoperability through the use of CoP10 and CoP5 Metering

Enabling Interoperability through the use of CoP10 and CoP5 Metering
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P229 Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme

Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme
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P228 Replace BMRS High Grade Service charge amounts/rates with references to a BSC website schedule

Replace BMRS High Grade Service charge amounts/rates with references to a BSC website schedule
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P227 Extension of the Definition of ECVAA Systems to include the centrally provided communications network

Extension of the Definition of ECVAA Systems to include the centrally provided communications network
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P226 Improving Large Combustion Plant Directive Information Disclosure

Improving Large Combustion Plant Directive Information Disclosure
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P225 Housekeeping Modification: Updating References to the Party Service Lines

Housekeeping Modification: Updating References to the Party Service Lines
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P224 Reactive Power Flows Associated with Exemptable Generating Plant

Reactive Power Flows Associated with Exemptable Generating Plant
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P223 Improvements to the Profile Administrator Service

Improvements to the Profile Administrator Service
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P222 – Provision of EAC and AA data to Distributors

Provision of EAC and AA data to Distributors
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P221 – Amendments to the Balancing and Settlement Code to reflect changes to the Fuel Security Code

Amendments to the Balancing and Settlement Code to reflect changes to the Fuel Security Code
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P220 – Provision of New Data Items for Improving Market Information

Provision of New Data Items for Improving Market Information
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P219 – Consistency between Forecast and Outturn Demand

Consistency between Forecast and Outturn Demand
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P218 – Facilitating Microgeneration within the BSC

Facilitating Microgeneration within the BSC
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P217 – Revised Tagging Process and Calculation of Cash Out Prices

Revised Tagging Process and Calculation of Cash Out Prices
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P216 – Audit of LLF Production

Audit of LLF Production
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P215 – Revised Credit Cover Methodology for Generating BM Units

Revised Credit Cover Methodology for Generating BM Units
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P214 Issue Relating to Funds Administration

Issue Relating to Funds Administration
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P213 – Facilitating microgeneration (Optional Single MPAN)

Facilitating microgeneration (Optional Single MPAN)
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P212 – Main Imbalance Price based on Market Reference Price

Main Imbalance Price based on Market Reference Price
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P211 – Main imbalance price based on ex-post unconstrained schedule

Main imbalance price based on ex-post unconstrained schedule
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P210 – Revisions to the Text in Section P related to Single Notifications of Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Reallocations

Revisions to the Text in Section P related to Single Notifications of Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Reallocations
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P209 – Housekeeping Modification – Change of Code references from BSCP531 to BSCP537

Housekeeping Modification - Change of Code references from BSCP531 to BSCP537
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P208 Housekeeping Modification

Housekeeping Modification
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P207 Introduction of a new governance regime to allow a risk based Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) to be utilised and reinforce the effectiveness of the current PAF

Introduction of a new governance regime to allow a risk based Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) to be utilised and reinforce the effectiveness of the current PAF
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P206 Publication of BSC Panel Election Results

Publication of BSC Panel Election Results
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P205 – Increase in PAR level from 100MWh to 500MWh

Increase in PAR level from 100MWh to 500MWh
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P204 – Scaled Zonal Transmission Losses

Scaled Zonal Transmission Losses
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P203 – Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme

Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme
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P202 – Energy Imbalance Incentive Band

Energy Imbalance Incentive Band
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P201 – Energy Imbalance Tolerance Band

Energy Imbalance Tolerance Band
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P200 – Introduction of a Zonal Transmission Losses scheme with Transitional Scheme

Introduction of a Zonal Transmission Losses scheme with Transitional Scheme
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P199 Quantification of Demand Control in the BSC as instructed under OC.6 (c),(d) & (e) of the Grid Code

Quantification of Demand Control in the BSC as instructed under OC.6 (c),(d) & (e) of the Grid Code
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P198 – Introduction of a Zonal Transmission Losses scheme

Introduction of a Zonal Transmission Losses scheme
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P197 SVA Qualification Processes Review

SVA Qualification Processes Review
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P196 – Treatment of Long Term Vacant Sites in Settlements

Treatment of Long Term Vacant Sites in Settlements
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P195 – Neutrality for CCGT BMUs Switching Between Gas and Distillate

Neutrality for CCGT BMUs Switching Between Gas and Distillate
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P194 – Revised Derivation of the ‘Main’ Energy Imbalance Price

Revised Derivation of the 'Main' Energy Imbalance Price
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P193 – Improved Arrangements for Modification Proposals raised by the BSC Panel

Improved Arrangements for Modification Proposals raised by the BSC Panel
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P192 – Change of Name of the Transmission Company

Change of Name of the Transmission Company
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P191 – Revised definition of Balancing Mechanism Unit to include Power Park Module

Revised definition of Balancing Mechanism Unit to include Power Park Module
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P190 – Removal of the obligation on the CDCA to provide a witnessing and sealing service in respect of all Metering Equipment associated with CVA Metering Systems

Removal of the obligation on the CDCA to provide a witnessing and sealing service in respect of all Metering Equipment associated with CVA Metering Systems
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P189 – Clarification to Fulfil the Intent of P174

Clarification to Fulfil the Intent of P174
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P188 – Revision of Credit Default Provisions

Revision of Credit Default Provisions
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P187 Introducing the ability for a BSC Party to request urgent status and for it to be considered by the Authority

Introducing the ability for a BSC Party to request urgent status and for it to be considered by the Authority
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P186 – Rationalising the criteria for the submission and redeclaration of Demand & Generation Capacities

Rationalising the criteria for the submission and redeclaration of Demand & Generation Capacities
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P185 – Redrafting of BSC Sections U and W in relation to clauses pertaining to the processing and rectification of Trading Queries/Disputes

Redrafting of BSC Sections U and W in relation to clauses pertaining to the processing and rectification of Trading Queries/Disputes
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P184 – Clarification of BSC Section W in relation to the application of the Query Deadline to Trading Queries/Disputes

Clarification of BSC Section W in relation to the application of the Query Deadline to Trading Queries/Disputes
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P183 – Additional Mechanisms for Obtaining a valid Change of Supplier Read

Additional Mechanisms for Obtaining a valid Change of Supplier Read
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P182 – Review and redefinition of the Non Half Hourly Settlement performance measures

Review and redefinition of the Non Half Hourly Settlement performance measures
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P181 – NGC Emergency Instruction re Damhead Creek 19.5.04: Deferral of Settlement Process

NGC Emergency Instruction re Damhead Creek 19.5.04: Deferral of Settlement Process
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P180 – Revision to BSC Modification implementation dates, where an Authority decision is referred to Appeal or Judicial Review

Revision to BSC Modification implementation dates, where an Authority decision is referred to Appeal or Judicial Review
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P179 – Housekeeping Modification

Housekeeping Modification
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P178 – Reduction in the BSC withdrawal timescale for parties who have settled the vast majority of their trading debts

Reduction in the BSC withdrawal timescale for parties who have settled the vast majority of their trading debts
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P177 – Removal of Intertrip provisions from the BSC

Removal of Intertrip provisions from the BSC
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P176 – Clarification of the Requirements for Estimation/Deeming of Meter Readings/Advances in Certain Circumstances to Facilitate Correction of Anomalies in Settlement Consumption

Clarification of the Requirements for Estimation/Deeming of Meter Readings/Advances in Certain Circumstances to Facilitate Correction of Anomalies in Settlement Consumption
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P175 – Development of provisions related to certain bid offer acceptances issued pursuant to the Grid Code (e.g. BC2.9 and BC2.10).

Development of provisions related to certain bid offer acceptances issued pursuant to the Grid Code (e.g. BC2.9 and BC2.10).
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P174 – Provision for Users of an Interconnector with a single Boundary Point connection to form a Trading Unit amongst themselves and with other BM Units at the same site

Provision for Users of an Interconnector with a single Boundary Point connection to form a Trading Unit amongst themselves and with other BM Units at the same site
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P173 – Revised Settlement Arrangements for Emergency Instructions

Revised Settlement Arrangements for Emergency Instructions
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P172 – Removal of Emergency Instructions taken for System reasons from Imbalance Price

Removal of Emergency Instructions taken for System reasons from Imbalance Price
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P171 – Retrospective removal of Emergency Instructions taken for System reasons from Imbalance Price

Retrospective removal of Emergency Instructions taken for System reasons from Imbalance Price
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P170 – Amendments to the Balancing and Settlement Code (Code), and to the systems and processes that support it, to allow compliance with the changed application of VAT to Trading Charges

Amendments to the Balancing and Settlement Code (Code), and to the systems and processes that support it, to allow compliance with the changed application of VAT to Trading Charges
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P169 – Publication of BMU names on Elexon website

Publication of BMU names on Elexon website
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P168 – Publication of BMU GC and DC values on Elexon website

Publication of BMU GC and DC values on Elexon website
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P167 – Erroneous Calculation of Bid Offer Acceptance (BOA) Volume

Erroneous Calculation of Bid Offer Acceptance (BOA) Volume
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P166 – Removal of unintentional effects of P123 to allow Supplier BM unit DC values to be revised downwards during a BSC Season

Removal of unintentional effects of P123 to allow Supplier BM unit DC values to be revised downwards during a BSC Season
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P165 – Housekeeping Modification – Removal of Approved Modification P125

Housekeeping Modification - Removal of Approved Modification P125
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P164 – Housekeeping Modification

Housekeeping Modification
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P163 – Clarification of the circumstances in which paragraph 6.5 of Section P (calculation of Error Correction Payment) should apply

Clarification of the circumstances in which paragraph 6.5 of Section P (calculation of Error Correction Payment) should apply
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P162 – Changes to the definition of Imports and Exports

Changes to the definition of Imports and Exports
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P161 – Enhancement of BSCCo Board Structure

Enhancement of BSCCo Board Structure
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P160 – Removal of the Anomalous Effect of the Error Correction Payment (ECP) for Multiple Claims Affecting the same Settlement Period and Energy Account

Removal of the Anomalous Effect of the Error Correction Payment (ECP) for Multiple Claims Affecting the same Settlement Period and Energy Account
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P159 Extending the scope of e-mail communications under the Code

Extending the scope of e-mail communications under the Code
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P158 – Introducing the ability to lodge a consolidated Letter of Credit (LoC)

Introducing the ability to lodge a consolidated Letter of Credit (LoC)
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P157 – Replacement of current Supplier Charges rules

Replacement of current Supplier Charges rules
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P156 – Suspending the implementation of the zonal allocation of transmission losses

Suspending the implementation of the zonal allocation of transmission losses
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P155 – Appeal Mechanism for Panel and Panel Committee Decisions

Appeal Mechanism for Panel and Panel Committee Decisions
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P154 – Rectification of Inconsistencies in the Application of BSC Change Management Processes

Rectification of Inconsistencies in the Application of BSC Change Management Processes
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P153 – Additional Requirements to Support Competition in New and ‘Out-of-Area’ Distribution Networks

Additional Requirements to Support Competition in New and ‘Out-of-Area’ Distribution Networks
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P152 – Reduction of Credit Cover for a Trading Party in Default which has ceased trading and which has paid all accrued Trading Charges

Reduction of Credit Cover for a Trading Party in Default which has ceased trading and which has paid all accrued Trading Charges
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P151 – Housekeeping Modification

Housekeeping Modification
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P150 – Targeting excess costs of PNE appeals process at unsuccessful appellants

Targeting excess costs of PNE appeals process at unsuccessful appellants
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P149 – Delay to the invoicing of the Past Notification Error (PNE) claims fee

Delay to the invoicing of the Past Notification Error (PNE) claims fee
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P148 – Revision of the claims fee to avoid undue discrimination between classes of Party in their funding of the PNE claims process

Revision of the claims fee to avoid undue discrimination between classes of Party in their funding of the PNE claims process
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P147 – Introduction of a Notified Contract Capacity to limit Party liability in event of erroneous contract notifications

Introduction of a Notified Contract Capacity to limit Party liability in event of erroneous contract notifications
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P146 – New Participation Capacity to the BSC – Clearing House

New Participation Capacity to the BSC – Clearing House
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P145 – Cost reflective mechanism to allocate any deficit arising from the application of the PNE claims fee

Cost reflective mechanism to allocate any deficit arising from the application of the PNE claims fee
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P144 – Removal of CADL from the BSC

Removal of CADL from the BSC
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P143 – Revision of P99 to Halt the Progression of the PARMS Serials, Standards and Supplier Charge Elements

Revision of P99 to Halt the Progression of the PARMS Serials, Standards and Supplier Charge Elements
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P142 – Minor Refinement to Allow a Level 2 Default Cure Period in Defined Circumstances

Minor Refinement to Allow a Level 2 Default Cure Period in Defined Circumstances
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P141 – Removal of Unintentional Effects of Approved Modification P106 on Supplier Charges

Removal of Unintentional Effects of Approved Modification P106 on Supplier Charges
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P140 – Revised Credit Cover Methodology for Interconnector BM Units

Revised Credit Cover Methodology for Interconnector BM Units
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P139 – Removal of Trading Unit Restriction on Interconnector Users

Removal of Trading Unit Restriction on Interconnector Users
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P138 – Contingency arrangements in relation to the implementation of Demand Control

Contingency arrangements in relation to the implementation of Demand Control
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P137 – Revised Calculation of System Buy Price and System Sell Price

Revised Calculation of System Buy Price and System Sell Price
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P136 – Marginal Definition of the ‘main’ Energy Imbalance Price

Marginal Definition of the 'main' Energy Imbalance Price
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P135 – Marginal System Buy Price During Periods of Demand Reduction

Marginal System Buy Price During Periods of Demand Reduction
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P134 – The Halting of Unnecessary and Inefficient Work and Expenditure Associated with

The Halting of Unnecessary and Inefficient Work and Expenditure Associated with
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P133 – Facility to permit BSCCo to undertake the role of the Profile Administrator

Facility to permit BSCCo to undertake the role of the Profile Administrator
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P132 – Redefinition of Credit Cover Requirements to account for Reconciliation Charges

Redefinition of Credit Cover Requirements to account for Reconciliation Charges
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P131 – Introduction of further provisions relating to the determination of Trading Disputes

Introduction of further provisions relating to the determination of Trading Disputes
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P130 – Clarification of the treatment of Non Half Hourly Export Consumption within PARMS performance Serial 1.

Clarification of the treatment of Non Half Hourly Export Consumption within PARMS performance Serial 1.
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P129 – Changes to Panel Determination Process and Panel Election Procedures

Changes to Panel Determination Process and Panel Election Procedures
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P128 – Correction of Erroneous Energy Contract Volume Notification Errors in specifically defined limited circumstances

Correction of Erroneous Energy Contract Volume Notification Errors in specifically defined limited circumstances
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P127 Optional de-registration by insolvent Party

Optional de-registration by insolvent Party
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P126 – Housekeeping Modification

Housekeeping Modification
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P125 – Apportionment of the Scottish Interconnector flows to the Northern and North Western GSP Groups for the purposes of calculating losses.

Apportionment of the Scottish Interconnector flows to the Northern and North Western GSP Groups for the purposes of calculating losses.
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P124 – Revision of mandatory half-hour metering criteria

Revision of mandatory half-hour metering criteria
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P123 – Assessment of Credit Cover following a Change in a Party’s Portfolio

Assessment of Credit Cover following a Change in a Party's Portfolio
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P122 Assessment of Credit Cover during Holiday Periods

Assessment of Credit Cover during Holiday Periods
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P121 Credit Cover following a change in a Party’s Portfolio

Credit Cover following a change in a Party's Portfolio
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P120 Credit Cover during Holiday Periods

Credit Cover during Holiday Periods
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P119 – Increased flexibility in the reporting of upheld Trading Disputes relating to Credit Default

Increased flexibility in the reporting of upheld Trading Disputes relating to Credit Default
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P118 – Increased efficiency in the reporting of Credit Default statements

Increased efficiency in the reporting of Credit Default statements
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P117 – Rectification of Past Notification Errors (PNEs)

Rectification of Past Notification Errors (PNEs)
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P116 – Changes to Allow Line Loss Factor Data from BSC Website to be Used in Settlement

Changes to Allow Line Loss Factor Data from BSC Website to be Used in Settlement
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P115 – Disapplication Of Supplier Charges Under Certain Circumstance

Disapplication Of Supplier Charges Under Certain Circumstance
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P114 – Entitlement of Licence Exemptable Generators (LEGs) and other Non-trading Parties to BSC Membership Without Evidence of Trading.

Entitlement of Licence Exemptable Generators (LEGs) and other Non-trading Parties to BSC Membership Without Evidence of Trading.
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P113 – Email communications under the Code

Email communications under the Code
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P112 Removing the obligation on new BSC Parties acceding to the BSC Framework Agreement to comply with Section A 2.2.5

Removing the obligation on new BSC Parties acceding to the BSC Framework Agreement to comply with Section A 2.2.5
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P111 – Procedure to allow the BSC Panel to refuse to accept Contingent Modification Proposals

Procedure to allow the BSC Panel to refuse to accept Contingent Modification Proposals
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P110 – Nullification Of Volume Notifications Where No Notification Authorisations Are

Nullification Of Volume Notifications Where No Notification Authorisations Are
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P109 – A Hedging Scheme for Changes to TLF in Section T of the Code

A Hedging Scheme for Changes to TLF in Section T of the Code
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P108 – Modification to enable BSCCo to prepare for the implementation of British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangements (BETTA)

Modification to enable BSCCo to prepare for the implementation of British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangements (BETTA)
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P107 – Data Retention Requirements for Post-Final Trading Disputes

Data Retention Requirements for Post-Final Trading Disputes
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P106 – Amendments to the BSC to allow Multiple Supplier Ids

Amendments to the BSC to allow Multiple Supplier Ids
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P105 – Introduction of Zonal Transmission Losses on a Marginal Basis without Phased Implementation

Introduction of Zonal Transmission Losses on a Marginal Basis without Phased Implementation
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P104 – Amendments to the Solution to P78 ‘Revised Definitions of System Buy Price and System Sell Price

Amendments to the Solution to P78 'Revised Definitions of System Buy Price and System Sell Price
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P103 – Respecification of Trading Data

Respecification of Trading Data
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P102 – Entitlement of Licence Exemptable Generators (“LEGs”) to BSC Membership Without Evidence of Trading

Entitlement of Licence Exemptable Generators ("LEGs") to BSC Membership Without Evidence of Trading
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P101 Housekeeping Modification

Housekeeping Modification
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P100 – Extension of Demand-side Trading Units in order to increase the competitiveness

Extension of Demand-side Trading Units in order to increase the competitiveness
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P099 – Changes to Accreditation and the PARMS Serials and Standards, resulting from the Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) Review (Phase 1)

Changes to Accreditation and the PARMS Serials and Standards, resulting from the Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) Review (Phase 1)
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P098 – Dual Notification of Contract Positions

Dual Notification of Contract Positions
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P097 – Modification to enable Elexon to prepare for the implementation of British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangements (BETTA)

Modification to enable Elexon to prepare for the implementation of British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangements (BETTA)
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P096 – Merger of Assessment and Definition Phases in the Modification Process

Merger of Assessment and Definition Phases in the Modification Process
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P095 – Transitional Amelioration of Barriers to Licenced Exempt Generators’ Market Participation

Transitional Amelioration of Barriers to Licenced Exempt Generators' Market Participation
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P094 – Introduction of Process to Allow Modification Reports to be Recalled from the Authority for Legal Drafting to be Corrected if Working Assumptions Prove Incorrect

Introduction of Process to Allow Modification Reports to be Recalled from the Authority for Legal Drafting to be Corrected if Working Assumptions Prove Incorrect
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P093 – Introduction of Process for Amendment of Proposed Modification Implementation Dates

Introduction of Process for Amendment of Proposed Modification Implementation Dates
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P092 – Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs)

Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs)
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P091 – Extension To Data Provided To the Transmission Company In The TUoS Report

Extension To Data Provided To the Transmission Company In The TUoS Report
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P090 – Improving The Representation Of Energy Balancing Actions In Cashout Prices

Improving The Representation Of Energy Balancing Actions In Cashout Prices
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P089 – Clarification Of The Timescales For Submitting MEL/MIL Data To The BMRA

Clarification Of The Timescales For Submitting MEL/MIL Data To The BMRA
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P088 – Introduction of Obligations in Relation to SVA Metering, Meter Operator Agents and Equipment Owners.

Introduction of Obligations in Relation to SVA Metering, Meter Operator Agents and Equipment Owners.
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P087 – Removal of Market Risk Associated with Operation of a Generator Inter-Trip Scheme

Removal of Market Risk Associated with Operation of a Generator Inter-Trip Scheme
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P086 – Clarification of frequency and timing of data submission of Generating Plant Demand Margin and Surplus.

Clarification of frequency and timing of data submission of Generating Plant Demand Margin and Surplus.
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P085 – A Phased Implementation Scheme for changes to TLF in Section T of the code

A Phased Implementation Scheme for changes to TLF in Section T of the code
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P084 – Amendment To Process For Past Notification Errors (2)

Amendment To Process For Past Notification Errors (2)
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P083 – Amendment To Process For Past Notification Errors (1)

Amendment To Process For Past Notification Errors (1)
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P082 – Introduction of Zonal Transmission Losses on an Average Basis.

Introduction of Zonal Transmission Losses on an Average Basis.
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P081 – Removal of the Requirement for Half Hourly Metering on Third Party Generators at Domestic Premises

Removal of the Requirement for Half Hourly Metering on Third Party Generators at Domestic Premises
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P080 – Deemed Bid/Offer Acceptance For Transmission System Faults

Deemed Bid/Offer Acceptance For Transmission System Faults
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P079 – Revised Rules for Default Energy Imbalance Pricing

Revised Rules for Default Energy Imbalance Pricing
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P078 Revised Definitions of System Buy Price and System Sell Price

Revised Definitions of System Buy Price and System Sell Price
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P077 – Interconnector Multiple BM Units

Interconnector Multiple BM Units
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P076 – Anomolies Associated with Negative Quantities of Credit Cover

Anomolies Associated with Negative Quantities of Credit Cover
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P075 – Introduction of Zonal Transmission Losses

Introduction of Zonal Transmission Losses
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P074 – Single Cost Reflective Cash Out Price

Single Cost Reflective Cash Out Price
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P073 – Addition to Data Required from Transmission Company when Submitting a Claim for

Addition to Data Required from Transmission Company when Submitting a Claim for
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P072 – Correction Of A Minor Inconsistency In The BSC Arbitrage And Trade Tagging Methodology

Correction Of A Minor Inconsistency In The BSC Arbitrage And Trade Tagging Methodology
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P071 – Transfer of Imbalances Caused by Balancing Services to the Transmission Company

Transfer of Imbalances Caused by Balancing Services to the Transmission Company
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P070 – CMRS Metering for inter-DNO Boundaries within a GSP Group

CMRS Metering for inter-DNO Boundaries within a GSP Group
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P069 – Short-Term Measures To Alleviate The Inefficiencies Within The Present Credit Energy Indebtedness Methodology

Short-Term Measures To Alleviate The Inefficiencies Within The Present Credit Energy Indebtedness Methodology
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P068 – Modification to the BSC Relating to the Setting of Supplier Caps for use in the

Modification to the BSC Relating to the Setting of Supplier Caps for use in the
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P067 – Facilitation of further consolidation options for Licence Exempt Generators (DTI Consolidation Working Group ‘Option 4’)

Facilitation of further consolidation options for Licence Exempt Generators (DTI Consolidation Working Group 'Option 4')
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P066 – ECVNAs and MVRNAs to Receive ECVAA Forward Contract Report

ECVNAs and MVRNAs to Receive ECVAA Forward Contract Report
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P065 – Amendment to the Requirement for a Mod Proposer’s Representative to Attend the Relevant Panel Meeting in Certain Circumstances

Amendment to the Requirement for a Mod Proposer's Representative to Attend the Relevant Panel Meeting in Certain Circumstances
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P064 – Reduction of GC Values to Zero During a BSC Season

Reduction of GC Values to Zero During a BSC Season
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P063 – Change of Contract Management of MPANs for Data Collector, Data Aggregator and Meter Operators

Change of Contract Management of MPANs for Data Collector, Data Aggregator and Meter Operators
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P062 – Changes to Facilitate Competitive Supply On The Networks Of New Licensed Distributors

Changes to Facilitate Competitive Supply On The Networks Of New Licensed Distributors
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P061 – Ad Hoc Adjustments to Settlement involving material errors without resorting to

Ad Hoc Adjustments to Settlement involving material errors without resorting to
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P060 – Amendment to Obligation to Register Metering Systems in Relation to Trade Sales.

Amendment to Obligation to Register Metering Systems in Relation to Trade Sales.
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P059 – The acceptance of Bids and Offers to honour a BM Unit’s dynamic parameters beyond the Balancing Mechanism window.

The acceptance of Bids and Offers to honour a BM Unit's dynamic parameters beyond the Balancing Mechanism window.
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P058 – Disapplication of Volume Notifications Relating to a Defaulting Party

Disapplication of Volume Notifications Relating to a Defaulting Party
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P057 – Amendment To BSC To Allow A Party To Have Two Ids For A Short Period Of [3 Months]

Amendment To BSC To Allow A Party To Have Two Ids For A Short Period Of [3 Months]
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P056 Proposed Modification to the BSC in order to reflect amended references in The National Grid Company plc’s Transmission Licence.

Proposed Modification to the BSC in order to reflect amended references in The National Grid Company plc's Transmission Licence.
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P055 – BSC Conflicts with Consolidation of Embedded Generation in Central Volume Allocation.

BSC Conflicts with Consolidation of Embedded Generation in Central Volume Allocation.
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P054 Ability To Hold Short Notice BSC Panel Meetings

Ability To Hold Short Notice BSC Panel Meetings
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P053 – Changes to DC, GC and CALF and the Effect on Energy Indebtedness

Changes to DC, GC and CALF and the Effect on Energy Indebtedness
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P052 – Non-Party Access to the BMRS via the High Grade Service

Non-Party Access to the BMRS via the High Grade Service
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P051 – Distribution of BSC Data to All BSC & Non-BSC Parties

Distribution of BSC Data to All BSC & Non-BSC Parties
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P050 – Distribution of BM Aggregation Report Data to Non-BSC Parties

Distribution of BM Aggregation Report Data to Non-BSC Parties
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P049 – Timing of Publication of P18(A) Prices on the BMRS

Timing of Publication of P18(A) Prices on the BMRS
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P048 – Half Hourly Receipt and Publication of BSAD Data

Half Hourly Receipt and Publication of BSAD Data
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P047 – Termination Process of ECVAA and MVRNA Authorisations

Termination Process of ECVAA and MVRNA Authorisations
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P046 – Housekeeping Modification

Housekeeping Modification
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P045 – Introduction of Price Adjusters for Settlement Days 5 April 2001 to 24 September 2001 inclusive.

Introduction of Price Adjusters for Settlement Days 5 April 2001 to 24 September 2001 inclusive.
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P044 – Correction of Notification Errors where Parties are able to satisfy a Reasonable and Prudent Operator Test.

Correction of Notification Errors where Parties are able to satisfy a Reasonable and Prudent Operator Test.
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P043 – Provision of Annualised Advance (AA) and Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) Data

Provision of Annualised Advance (AA) and Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) Data
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P042 – Allow Appointment of Different HHDCs for Import & Export Meters

Allow Appointment of Different HHDCs for Import & Export Meters
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P041 – Allocation of Individual NHH Mpans to Different BM Units

Allocation of Individual NHH Mpans to Different BM Units
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P040 – Calculation of Negative Estimates of Annual Consumption (EAC)

Calculation of Negative Estimates of Annual Consumption (EAC)
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P039 – Improvements To The Administration Of The Payment Default Process

Improvements To The Administration Of The Payment Default Process
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P038 – Redefined Definition Of C A D To Allow Prompt Price Reporting

Redefined Definition Of C A D To Allow Prompt Price Reporting
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P037 – To provide for the remedy of past errors in Energy Contract Volume Notifications and in Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications.

To provide for the remedy of past errors in Energy Contract Volume Notifications and in Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications.
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P036 – The generation of Bid-Offer Acceptances relating to energy delivered as a result of providing Applicable Balancing Services

The generation of Bid-Offer Acceptances relating to energy delivered as a result of providing Applicable Balancing Services
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P035 – Qualified ECVNAs

Qualified ECVNAs
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P034 – Transfer of imbalances caused by Balancing Services to the Transmission Company

Transfer of imbalances caused by Balancing Services to the Transmission Company
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P033 – Rectification of inconsistencies in terminology between the BSC and Grid Code OC2

Rectification of inconsistencies in terminology between the BSC and Grid Code OC2
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P032 – Limited Redefinition of BM Units

Limited Redefinition of BM Units
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P031 – Waiving Of Charges Under Annex D3 (Section 3.1) Of The Balancing And Settlement

Waiving Of Charges Under Annex D3 (Section 3.1) Of The Balancing And Settlement
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P030 – Availability Of Market Information To B.S.C. Parties And Non-B.S.C. Parties

Availability Of Market Information To B.S.C. Parties And Non-B.S.C. Parties
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P029 – Improve Efficiency Of Parms Reporting Requirements

Improve Efficiency Of Parms Reporting Requirements
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P028 Review of Modification Procedures

Review of Modification Procedures
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P027 – Amendment To The Derivation Of Imbalance Prices

Amendment To The Derivation Of Imbalance Prices
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P026 – Market Driven Trading Neutrality Band

Market Driven Trading Neutrality Band
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P025 – Commissioning Status In NETA

Commissioning Status In NETA
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P024 – Review Of The Modification Procedures

Review Of The Modification Procedures
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P023 – Review Of The Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG).

Review Of The Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG).
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P022 – The Provision Of Generator Planned Outage Information to All BSC Signatories.

The Provision Of Generator Planned Outage Information to All BSC Signatories.
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P021 – Review of Modification Group and Panel Procedures

Review of Modification Group and Panel Procedures
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P020 – Revision of Obligations of Parties in Relation to BM Units Registrations

Revision of Obligations of Parties in Relation to BM Units Registrations
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P019 – To provide for the remedy of errors in Energy Contract Volume Notifications and

To provide for the remedy of errors in Energy Contract Volume Notifications and
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P018 – Removing / Mitigating The Effect of System Balancing Actions in The Imbalance Price

Removing / Mitigating The Effect of System Balancing Actions in The Imbalance Price
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P017 – Ecvnas To Receive 7 Day Report

Ecvnas To Receive 7 Day Report
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P016 – Removal Of Restriction For Submitting Summer Demand Capacity & Generation Capacity

Removal Of Restriction For Submitting Summer Demand Capacity & Generation Capacity
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P015 – Removal of Price Spikes Associated with System Balancing from System Prices

Removal of Price Spikes Associated with System Balancing from System Prices
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P014 – Manifest Error Provisions Where the Bid/Offer Acceptance In Question Has Not Been Acted Upon

Manifest Error Provisions Where the Bid/Offer Acceptance In Question Has Not Been Acted Upon
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P013 – Change to Modification Group Procedures

Change to Modification Group Procedures
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P012 – Reduction Of Gate Closure From 3.5 Hours To 1 Hour

Reduction Of Gate Closure From 3.5 Hours To 1 Hour
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P011 – Revision Of Minimum Credit Cover Requirements

Revision Of Minimum Credit Cover Requirements
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P010 – Eliminating Imbalance Price Spikes Caused By Truncating Effects.

Eliminating Imbalance Price Spikes Caused By Truncating Effects.
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P009 – Correction Of Technical Error In Respect Of The Energy Contract Volume Notifications Under Section P.2.3 And Adjustment Of Settlement Data Under Section U.2.5.

Correction Of Technical Error In Respect Of The Energy Contract Volume Notifications Under Section P.2.3 And Adjustment Of Settlement Data Under Section U.2.5.
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P008 – Introduction Of A Price Adjuster To Reflect Option Fees For Balancing Services Contracts In Setting System Buy Price And System Sell Price.

Introduction Of A Price Adjuster To Reflect Option Fees For Balancing Services Contracts In Setting System Buy Price And System Sell Price.
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P007 – Allocation Of Supplier Demand To The Same BM Unit In A GSP Group For All Suppliers In The Same Company Group

Allocation Of Supplier Demand To The Same BM Unit In A GSP Group For All Suppliers In The Same Company Group
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P006 – Removal Of Obligation To Publish Price Data In FT

Removal Of Obligation To Publish Price Data In FT
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P005 Extension Of Indemnity Under Section B2.9

Extension Of Indemnity Under Section B2.9
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P004 – Dual Energy Contract Notification

Dual Energy Contract Notification
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P003 – Correction Of Price Spikes Generated By De-Minimis NGC Purchases

Correction Of Price Spikes Generated By De-Minimis NGC Purchases
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P002 – Revision Of The Methodology For Assessing Credit Indebtedness

Revision Of The Methodology For Assessing Credit Indebtedness
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P001 – Extension Of The Definition Of ECVAA Systems Failure For Permitting Post Gate Closure Notification

Extension Of The Definition Of ECVAA Systems Failure For Permitting Post Gate Closure Notification
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