CP1575 Permitting the use of busbar voltage transformers within metering Codes of Practice 1 and 2

Formal title: Permitting the use of busbar voltage transformers within metering Codes of Practice 1 and 2

This CP seeks to implement the recommendation from the Issue 87 ‘Busbar voltage transformer (VT) metering for Offshore wind farms under OFTO arrangements’ Workgroup by updating Code of Practice 1 and Code of Practice 2 to allow busbar VTs to be used at Offshore and onshore wind farms. 

CP1575 is not intended to exclude current requirements under the status quo. The desired outcome is that the change provides optionality within the CoPs for additional configurations (i.e. placement of VTs at the busbar) that parties are free to choose, should they wish to.

Current Status

Change Proposal Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


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