CP1484 – Introduction of Additional SVAA Validation at SVA Run time

Formal title: Introduction of Additional SVAA Validation at SVA Run time

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


CP1484 proposes to introduce additional validation in Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Runs to reduce errors entering Settlement. Currently, limited checks are performed and the ability to correct mistakes is constrained. This leads to mistakes occurring and being difficult to correct.

This CP proposes to introduce validation measures to reduce errors. Firstly, individual Data Aggregator (DA) data will be validated and checked for the plausibility of the consumption values. Secondly, it will ensure there is a complete set of DA data ready for the SVA run. Lastly, it will include checks on the results of runs.


This CP was raised on 8 February 2017 and the CP Progression paper was presented to the SVG on 28 February 2017. It was issued for CP Consultation on 6 March 2017 and closed on 31 March 2017. The Assessment Report was presented to the SVG on 2 May 2017 who recommended that the Panel approve CP1484. As the implementation cost is above the £150k SVG approval threshold, the CP was approved by the Panel at its meeting on 11 May 2017. CP1484 was implemented on 2 November 2017 as part of the November 2017 Release.


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