
Changes to BSC Parties and Qualified Persons: June 2024

This page lists changes to the status of Balancing and Settlement (BSC) Parties and Qualified Persons in June. It includes information on any new qualifications and registrations, new market participants, withdrawals and defaults.

Change of Party details

Currently none

CVA qualification and registration

Field Gaia Ltd

Field Gaia Ltd [Party ID FIELDGA] has successfully completed CVA Qualification and has Registered in the role of Non-Physical Trader on  01/06/2024.

Axle Energy Ltd

Axle Energy Ltd [Party ID AXLEENER] has successfully completed CVA Qualification and has Registered in the role of Virtual Lead Party on  04/06/2024.

Wolfram Trading ApS

Wolfram Trading ApS [Party ID WT74183] has successfully completed CVA Qualification and has Registered in the role of Non-Physical Trader on  04/06/2024.

Default of BSC

Currently none


Currently none

New market participants

Forsa Trading Limited

Forsa Trading Limited [Party ID: FORSA] has acceded to the Balancing and Settlement Code as of 10/06/2024. This Party intends to register in the role of Non-Physical Trader and Virtual Lead Party.

Electra ApS

Electra ApS [Party ID ELECTRA1] has acceded to the Balancing and Settlement Code as of 03/06/2024. This Party intends to register in the role of Non-Physical Trader.

Limekiln Extension Ltd

Limekiln Extension Ltd [Party ID LMKEXTWF] has acceded to the Balancing and Settlement Code as of 03/06/2024. This Party intends to register in the role of Generator.

Lakeside Energy Storage Ltd 

Limekiln Extension Ltd [Party ID LAKESIDE] has acceded to the Balancing and Settlement Code as of 03/06/2024. This Party intends to register in the role of Generator.

BayWa r.e. Energy Trading UK

BayWa r.e. Energy Trading UK[Party ID BA1ET2UK] has acceded to the Balancing and Settlement Code as of 06/06/2024. This Party intends to register in the role of Non-Physical Trader.

Party Novation application

Oku Power Limited

An application to novate all rights and obligations under the BSC of Oku Power Limited (Party ID: OPAL0516 and Party Agent ID: OPAL01PA) from Oku Power Limited (company number: 659293 which is registered in Ireland) to Yuno Limited (company number: 467144 which is registered in Ireland).

Surrender of qualification

Currently None

Withdrawal from the BSC

Currently none


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