
2021 customer survey shows satisfaction levels remain high

Elexon’s 2021 customer survey results show that 91% of respondents believe our service has improved over the last year, or stayed the same. Overall satisfaction with our service remains consistently high, with 69% of respondents giving us a score of 8 to 10 out of 10.

How the survey is carried out

Each year we ask an independent company to carry out a customer survey for us. The 2021 survey captured the views of 100 customers between September and October.

Score rises, but some decline in perception of value for money

The overall satisfaction score of 69% in 2021 is higher than the 2020 score (66% scoring Elexon 8 to 10 out of 10).

The survey results in 2021 show increased satisfaction particularly with the quality and reliability of our service, and the ease of access to our experts, compared with 2020.

However, the rating our customers give us for value for money declined. In 2020 63% scored Elexon 8 out of 10 on value for money, falling to 48% in 2021. From the comments received, no specific element was identified here but the survey period did coincide with the sharp increase in wholesale gas prices.

Significant improvement in Operational Support Manager service

Overall satisfaction with our OSM service has improved significantly, with 54% of respondents rating the service highly, compared with 46% in 2020. Our OSM service offers Suppliers and Supplier Agents a dedicated Elexon colleague who works with them as a single point of contact.  OSMs provide guidance in operational support and act as a critical friend. Many respondents consider that OSMs are making more effort to understand their business and to respond appropriately.

Delivering the services our customers need

Sara Vaughan, Interim Chief Executive Officer, said

“These results show we are continuing to deliver a consistently high level of service, with the reliable expertise that our customers need.

“I am pleased to see the increase in our satisfaction scores and we will continue to focus on delivering value for money, especially taking into account how difficult the market conditions are for some BSC Parties at the moment.

“It is important that we continue to be adaptable and flexible in the ‘end-to-end’ Code Manager service that we provide. We must keep putting our customers first, so that our services remain relevant to their businesses and needs.”

Slides on the 2021 Customer Survey results


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