
About the electricity industry, the BSC and Elexon: News

View Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan and Annual BSC Meeting 2024

Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan and Annual BSC Meeting 2024

We are delighted to invite you to our Annual BSC Meeting and Seminar at the Elexon offices where we will launch our first-ever Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan.

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View Flow data from Britain’s newest interconnector link now available

Flow data from Britain’s newest interconnector link now available

Instant data on electricity flows across the new 1.4 GW Viking interconnector is now available from Elexon. The Viking Link is the world’s longest land and subsea electricity cable, connecting the East of England with Denmark.

Making the flow data for the Viking Link available is important so that Elexon can continue to provide more transparency to anyone that monitors the electricity market.

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View Elexon Board Directors election or re-election results 2023

Elexon Board Directors election or re-election results 2023

Source: Elexon corporate website

In keeping with best practice for corporate governance and accountability, all Elexon Board Directors were subject to election or re-election via a vote at Elexon’s Annual BSC Seminar held on 13 July 2023.

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View BSC Panel response to Energy Code Governance Reform: Call for Input

BSC Panel response to Energy Code Governance Reform: Call for Input

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View Ofgem confirms Elexon as the Capacity Market Advisory Group secretariat

Ofgem confirms Elexon as the Capacity Market Advisory Group secretariat

We are delighted that today, 9 May, Ofgem confirmed its decision to appoint Elexon as the independent Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG) secretariat, subject to a BSC Modification being raised and approved to enable us to do the work.

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View Ofgem confirms Elexon will operate key IT data platform to support MHHS

Ofgem confirms Elexon will operate key IT data platform to support MHHS

Yesterday (21 April) Ofgem confirmed that the Balancing and Settlement Code will be used to govern and fund the new Data Integration Platform (DIP) to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS). This means that Elexon will manage the DIP service provider, which is currently being procured through the MHHS Programme.

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View Elexon views about decisions on the Future System Operator role and the codes review

Elexon views about decisions on the Future System Operator role and the codes review

Today the Department for Energy Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Ofgem jointly responded to the consultations they published in July 2021 on a Future System Operator (FSO), and reforming the energy codes.  National Grid ESO will move away from National Grid plc and become an independent, publicly owned FSO.

As part of that process there will also be a consultation on the ownership of Elexon, which is currently owned by National Grid ESO. 

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View BSC Insight: ‘Event-driven’ architecture can help to release the value of energy data

BSC Insight: ‘Event-driven’ architecture can help to release the value of energy data

This BSC Insight article, written by Peter Stanley, Director Digital Operations at Elexon, explains why Elexon would be best placed to operate ‘Event-driven’ IT architecture (EDA) to support Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement which is due to be implemented in GB in October 2025. 

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View Energy Systems Catapult and Elexon’s report on accurately tracking carbon in electricity markets

Energy Systems Catapult and Elexon’s report on accurately tracking carbon in electricity markets

Elexon has worked with Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) on a paper which examines options to improve the tracking of carbon content in electricity markets.

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View TechUK blog by Peter Stanley: cloud technology revolutionises Elexon services

TechUK blog by Peter Stanley: cloud technology revolutionises Elexon services

Source: TechUK

Our settlement systems will be key to unlocking the benefits of MHHS, and it is one of the reasons why we have been developing a new cloud platform – Elexon Kinnect – to replace our ageing settlement architecture.

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View Twentieth anniversary of the Balancing and Settlement Code

Twentieth anniversary of the Balancing and Settlement Code

This Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), which was launched as part of NETA (the New Electricity Trading arrangements) on 27 March 2001.

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View 2021 is a key year for our new digital platform

2021 is a key year for our new digital platform

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View Elexon proposes reforms to System Operator roles and code arrangements

Elexon proposes reforms to System Operator roles and code arrangements

Elexon has set out options for a single energy code body to work alongside a reformed System Operator (SO) in their new policy, ‘Reforming the System Operator Roles and Code Arrangements’. This approach will allow better management of the energy system on the road to net zero.

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View Have your say – proposal to use the BSC Sandbox

Have your say – proposal to use the BSC Sandbox

You have the chance to take part in Elexon’s consultation on the first proposal to use the new Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Sandbox. 

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View Final Elexon business plan for 2021/22 published

Final Elexon business plan for 2021/22 published

Elexon has published the final version of its business plan for 2021/22, following feedback from the BSC Panel and BSC Parties. We thank everyone that provided feedback on the plan. Elexon’s board discussed this in detail at its February 2021 meeting. The feedback was also presented to the BSC Panel at its February meeting.

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View 2020: Reflecting on the year no one expected

2020: Reflecting on the year no one expected

In this end of year review, Rebecca Fowler from the Communications and Engagement team looks at an eventful 2020 in which the electricity industry faced unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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View Customer survey shows appreciation of our support during COVID-19

Customer survey shows appreciation of our support during COVID-19

The results of Elexon’s 2020 annual customer survey sees improvements in a number of our core services and highlights that the support we have provided our customers during COVID-19 was appreciated.

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View Annual BSC Meeting – highlights

Annual BSC Meeting – highlights

On Thursday 10 September 2020, Elexon hosted the first ever virtual annual BSC Meeting and Seminar.

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View COVID-19: Suspension of EFR Process, Supplier Charges and more

COVID-19: Suspension of EFR Process, Supplier Charges and more

An updated message from Mark Bygraves, CEO.

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View Message from Mark Bygraves: Supporting Our Customers

Message from Mark Bygraves: Supporting Our Customers

A letter from CEO Mark Bygraves about support during these difficult times.

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View Insights: The electricity industry – ten years of change

Insights: The electricity industry – ten years of change

The 2010s were a period of significant change for both Elexon and the wider industry. The shifts seen during the span of ten years were both unprecedented and unpredicted. Elexon provides a wealth of data to industry via the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS), Elexon Portal and through data flows. Using some of this data we have created four graphs that reflect on significant changes to generation, demand and balancing between 2010 and 2019.

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View Insights: Low CO2 fuel sources powered 2019

Insights: Low CO2 fuel sources powered 2019

Nearly half of all the electricity generated in Great Britain in 2019 was generated by low CO2 generation. In this Elexon Insight, our Market Advisor Emma Tribe uses electricity generation data to show how 2019 was powered demonstrate how the electricity market is on the road to Net Zero.

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